Friday, December 13, 2024

US Commentator: Francis Has Completed His Mission

The way to destroy the Church is to turn its own weapons against the Church, especially the power and primacy of the Pope.

Raymond Kowalski, a retired communications lawyer in Rochester, New York, wrote this back in May 2019.

Now he argues on (26 November) that "Francis has accomplished the mission of destroying the temporal manifestation of the Church".

He quotes Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who foresaw an "ape of the Church emptied of its divine content".

According to Kowalski, Francis has not only outlawed the Holy Mass, but "he has outlawed the reason for the traditional Latin Mass, or any Mass for that matter".

For him, the final blow came when Francis claimed that all religions are "a way to reach God". Here you have Francis telling the world that "you do not need the Catholic Church to get to God".

The "final ruin" of the Church was accomplished when Francis claimed that "there is only one God", without elaborating, Kowalski analyses.

Francis' false message was that God the Father is the same for all religions. But because he did not mention Christ and the Holy Spirit, "the message was also that Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not relevant to a discussion about 'arriving at God'".

The full payload of the message is that the divinity of Christ does not matter, nor do his passion, death and resurrection, nor do the sacraments, including Holy Mass. Kowalski concludes that the Church "has been emptied of its divine content".

"Our task, then, is to pray for the restoration of the institutional Church, while remaining part of the little flock where the divinity of Jesus Christ and all that flows from it is all that matters."

Picture: © NAME, CC BY-NC-ND#newsNailomrjof

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