Thursday, December 12, 2024

Trump’s FDA appointment is pro-life

Nota bene: Obviously good news. Health care officials should in no way favor or enable murder under any circumstances.. It’s “hiring a hit man”. This was commonly understood before child murder was legalized.

CV NEWS FEED // President-elect Donald Trump has appointed pro-life physician Dr. Marty Makary as head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), opening the possibility of reversing the agency’s illegal approval of the abortion pill.

Makary, a surgical oncologist at Johns Hopkins University, will lead the FDA under the guidance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom Trump nominated last week to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“I am confident that Dr. Makary, having dedicated his career to High-Quality, Lower-Cost Care, will restore FDA to the Gold Standard of Scientific Research, and cut the bureaucratic red tape at the Agency to make sure Americans get the Medical Cures and Treatments they deserve,” Trump said in a statement announcing Makary’s nomination.

Signaling his pro-life stance, on June 24, 2022, Dr. Makary marked the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision by speaking with then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson about abortion from a pro-life medical perspective. 

Dr. Makary affirmed in the interview that beginning around 15 weeks, the baby in utero can feel pain and will react to the instruments of the abortionist. 

“Somewhere between 15 and 20 weeks, babies will actually resist the instruments of abortion,” he said.

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