Friday, June 21, 2024

My latest column: “Victory in the War of Good vs. Evil”

By Father Kevin M Cusick 

It’s a shooting war. Truth has real and serious consequences in the ongoing, sometimes violent and bloody, conflict against evil.

A Loudun county Virginia teacher was suspended for telling his students he would not call a girl a “boy” or a boy a “girl”. Just one example of the mounting casualties of the ongoing war of truth against falsehood.

The name Mark Houck is already well known. He defended his son from assault  by another adult at an abortion clinic pro life rally. He was swatted by the FBI at his home and in full view of his traumatized family. Now he’s firing back: Houck has launched a 4.3 million dollar lawsuit against Biden.

The weaponization of the government against families and of schools against children is waged largely through symbols and by changing the meaning of words. Images conveys thoughts and ideas.

A flag signifying sin while using all the beautiful colors of the rainbow is a typical Trojan horse. The malignant Enemy in his ongoing war against God uses the word “truth”, employs beauty and rebrands evil as goodness in a bid to deceive mankind. A word signifying a state of joy or happiness is repurposed to mean instead the commission of sinful and unnatural acts which lead to the ultimate unhappiness: eternal damnation.

Her enemies have long imitated the Church’s ancient practice of using symbols to convey truth. In June, “humility month”, the Church deploys the profile symbol of the sacred heart of Jesus Christ to symbolize Divine love for mankind. The pierced heart, burning furnace of charity, is surmounted by flames. The heart of Our Lord on the Cross is hereby recalled; a heart of infinite and eternal love, embracing all and enduring forever. The wound of the lance which pierced our Lord on the Cross is the moving sign of his mercy. 

The pouring forth of blood and water made possible by a brutal attack upon His Divine Person, the thrust of the solder’s lance, results in the washing away of all sin for those who approach Him in sorrow. The stream of blood and water flowing from Him is perpetual: made present and real for us in the Eucharist at every holy Mass. By our graces reception of Him thus present we are healed of the ugly wounds of sin and our souls are clothed once again in pristine baptismal grace.

Families are increasingly flying the flag of the Sacred Heart over their homes during the month of June. We will also be doing so at our small Maryland parish along with other churches. The universal Body of Christ  has the duty, as conferred by Her Lord, to make known to every soul the truth about His merciful and eternal love. Words, actions, signs and symbols should be increasingly aligned to aid in this huge effort.

The Cirous Christian processions all over the United States, which served also to launch the buildup to the July Eucharist Congress in Indianapolis, brought out great crowds. In some places 7,000 people accompanied Our Lord Eucharistically Present through the city streets, country lanes, and bucolic byways of this nation. Those who walked witnessed also to those who merely witnessed. The profound gift of God’s Presence with us is perhaps most powerfully  evoked by walking with Him, even wordlessly. He walks with us. He never abandons us. He is with us to the end as viaticum. 

Homilies this month can celebrate humility, reminding the faithful that this month has in fact for a very long time been dedicated to humility, the opposite of the cardinal sin of pride, perversely celebrated in June by the army of God’s enemies, the city of Man which is perpetually at war against the City of God.

The Eucharist is the humility of God, with us a Food. He transmits grace to give us a share in His life, foretaste and promise of heaven. The teachings on the Sacred Heart are Eucharistic and vice versa. As well, our embattled faithful in a society mired in evil are fortified by the sacred sustenance. Our fight for truth, goodness and beauty to be effective in saving souls must be nourished by the very Source: He is who is the Way and the Word of Truth, the victory of Life and the goodness of Beauty in Love.

There will be strategic losses in this war. We must not confuse our spiritual goal with a mistaken worldly one, however, if we are to save our own souls in the process.

The loss of territory does not signify defeat. The world measures victory in terms of turf lost or gained. We must never make the mistake of thinking that we fight with the same weapons or seek the same goals. We fight for souls. We fight for heaven. Never forget that “the world as we know itis passing away”, and that when God’s Kingdom comes, there will be a new heavens and a new earth. 

And so we rise each day to kneel once again in prayer. WE offer ourselves, all we have and are, in the service of His Kingly reign, while always keeping in mind that His Kingdom is not of this world.

Churches may burn, statues be felled and smashed and then faithful martyred, as happens daily all over the world. Yet none of these signify defeat if we but keep the Faith.

Parents of a Catholic school district in Canada just chalked up a victory in the ongoing skirmish, now even within the Church, with the glamorization of sin and the devious and evil grooming of our children. They successfully voted this month to defeat the effort to fly the rainbow flag, and not the Italian one signifying peace, on school flagpoles.

Many of us, I am sure, never thought we would see the day that the banner glorifying  unnatural sex acts would be brandished even by Catholic school employees as a point of “pride”, one of the seven deadly sins, in the presence of innocent unformed young children.

What happened to reading one’s Bible, the foremost mission of every Catholic school if there ever was one, and strictly avoiding any scandal punishable by execution via millstone and drowning in the sea as decreed by our Divine Judge? Catholic schools have become in some cases completely indistinguishable from the world. Their purpose for existing has been completely vitiated.

Martyrdom awaits each of us in our own way and time. Witness is nonnegotiable if we are to be saved by He Whom we claim to love. He is Truth. So we fight for all truth. He is Goodness. We dedicate ourselves to growing in His goodness by means of grace, scorning the glamor of evil as a lie. He is Beauty. There is no goal or hope more beautiful than sharing in His love, beholding Him face to face for all Eternity,

Excelsior! Onward and upward.

Praised be the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, until the end of time. And praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

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