Friday, June 21, 2024

Keep Calm and TLM On

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

An attempt is imminent to implement another Vatican decree with a strict, radical and definitive solution banning the Roman Mass, has learned from "highly credible sources" close to Cardinal Roche and Francis.

The blog has been right before, for example when it announced the publication of Traditionis Custodes.

The Vatican ideologues who imposed Traditionis Custodes are frustrated by its slow results, especially in the United States and France.

They "want to ban the Mass and close it down everywhere and immediately" and they need to do it "while Francis is still in power".

"They want to make it as wide, final and irreversible as possible". It is very unlikely that a new document will have more luck than Traditionis Custodes.” (Source:


The Catholic Faith doesn’t work this way: one day something is right and good and the next wrong. See Pope Benedict XVI for more on that subject in Summorum Pontificum. 

Documents laced with falsehood and the false men who desperately churn them out hoping to force others to their will we’ve seen before. History is full of tyrants and pompous pedants. They come and they go.

These petty men with their petty hatreds and resentments will pass.

They’ve got the “power” and they’re going to use it. Robbers and thieves. Imposters in red and white. Office doesn’t confer authority. Truth does.

Jesus Christ is truth. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. Those who lie and twist the faith into an unrecognizable projection of their proclivities, perversions and pettifoggery will pass like yesterday’s meal into the latrine. Pay them no mind.

Pray. Fast.

They’ve got the churches. We’ve got the Faith.

Keep calm and TLM on.

The Mass isn’t going anywhere. The men in the Vatican are going away. Long before the TLM ceases, which will be only on the Day of Judgement. Pray it’s not hell for these illegitimate oppressors. They will have their judgment and soon.

It is because of that judgment which we all will face that we fear God rather than men. And we fear to honor God any less than with the most fitting and beautiful way made possible through the traditional worship of our ancestors, of our Church of all time, past, present and, yes, future too.

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