“Rip van Winkle” cardinal just woke up after being asleep for over 60 years
He’s got to be kidding: the Broadway musical style Mass has already been tried in thousands of locations all over the works. And found wanting. Where has he been since 1968? The options for liturgical abuse have been just about exhausted at this point and nothing has worked to get young people in the pews Only dying boomers want a Mass in a sanctuary teeming with extraordinary “ministers” and lay lectors and women on albs, etc.
He is not believable. This is posturing and coping. They’ve simply run out of excuses for prolonging the Vatican II “experiment”…
Polish Cardinal Wants Liturgical Reform: Eucharist Must Be "Synodal", Less "Priest Centred"
Liturgical reform "has not yet taken place", said Cardinal Grzegorz Ryś, 60, of Łódź, Poland, at a press conference in Rome on 27 October.
He believes that the liturgy cannot be the action of one priest, but must be "synodal" with the participation of "all".
Pch24.pl had asked Cardinal Ryś about the final document of the ex-synod, which draws an analogy between Eucharistic and synodal assemblies. Cardinal Ryś is a member of the Dicastery for the Liturgy.
His vision of the Eucharist: "If the liturgy has a comprehensible language, the priest has turned towards the congregation, new books have been published, but the liturgy still looks like a one-actor theatre, i.e. there is a priest and that is the end of the gathering of active people in the Church, it means that the reform has not taken place."
Ryś should open his eyes and look around, because there were (!) places where his fantasies were put into practice - but nothing remains of them.
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...
S. Pauli Primi Eremitæ et Confessoris ~ Duplex
Commemoratio: S. Mauri Abbatis
Wed, 1/15/25:
Today is the feast of St. Paul, First Hermit & C (mtv), under the 1954
(double) and 1962 (III class) rubr...
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