Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pro-LIfers Sitting Out the Election is Political Suicide and Abandons the Babies!


Lila Rose vs. Donald Trump -- How does telling voters not to vote for Donald Trump
 help babies in the womb? It doesn't! It will help elect pro-abort radicals Harris/Walz!

I'm shocked by some of the pro-lifers who would rather feel self-righteous in their moral purity than vote for Donald Trump. Politics is not and never will be our salvation. There is one Savior, Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, engaging in politics is a moral duty for Catholics. And, like the doctors' motto, First Do No Harm, that should be our motto as well. And putting Harris/Walz in office is to inflict a grave harm to babies in the womb.-

Perhaps you think God isn't interested in politics. What nonsense! Read the Bible! He blessed the Kings of Israel in the Old Testament who trusted in Him and did His will. He punished the evil kings. The Babylonian exile was one of those punishments. He sent prophets and angels to talk to political leaders like Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, etc.

God didn't want the people to have kings, but when they begged for a king; God gave them what they asked for with the warning of how they would be abused. God Himself allowed the creation of political power and there were many corrupt and evil kings in the history of the chosen people.

But even the good kings were not perfect? Not at all! Remember David, a man after God's own heart, and his adultery and murder? Remember Solomon who started out so well, but ended up committing idolotry? Remember Asa? (1 Kings 15) who "did what was right in the sight of the Lord" and banned the evil practices of his mother, a foreigner who worshiped false gods. He was a reformer, but failed to remove the "high places," where the people went to worship those false gods. 

There is no perfect man or woman in politics today and never has been. As voters working in the market place, we have a duty to the weakest and most vulnerable among us to do everything we can to protect them. Is assisting Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to take over the government an act of moral purity as they strive to restore Roe v. Wade and make abortion on demand a human right never to be tampered with?


Steven Mosher has an article at The Federalist challenging Rose's naive and dangerous position.

Withdrawing Support For Trump Would Be Political Suicide For The Pro-Life Movement

Steven Mosher has defended life for decades, probably since before Lila Rose was born. Here's a bit from the article:

Now, I am not going to imply that Lila Rose is a communist, as James Lindsay did. But to suggest that the Trump-Vance ticket does not “stand for pro-life principles,” and that pro-lifers should withhold their votes, as Lila did, is equally outrageous. In an interview with Politico published on Thursday, Lila Rose said she “would not vote for Harris or Trump” if the election were held today and said there are “other candidates” and even “write-in candidates.”

Such comments are a priceless gift to Kamala’s campaign. Expect interviews on CNN, MSNBC, and other regime media to follow as they use Rose to demonize Trump and demoralize pro-life voters into staying home on Election Day....
But the practical politics of the matter are plain: Anyone who is still attacking Trump this close to the election is dispiriting the base, giving quotes to the opposition, and — it must be said — making Kamala Harris’ election more likely. 

Is that what Lila Rose — or any pro-lifer — wants? Does anyone (besides Kamala) want pro-life voters so demoralized that they will wash their hands of the whole nasty business of politics, declare a pox on both their houses, and stay home on election day? Because that is the political effect of her reckless words. Whether she knows it or not, Rose is urging the pro-life movement to commit political suicide.

Politico is a liberal group. All you have to do to recognize their bias is read their headlines. If Rose is such a purist, why is she making headlines for a liberal, biased pro-abortion outfit? I will never support Live Action again. I want to save babies; not help elect the most radical pro-abortion team in history.

If Harris/Walz win the election because pro-lifers listen to Rose and stay home, Lila will lose all credibility as a pro-life witness. 

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