Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Marketing Operation": Bergoglio Must Learn to Listen

The content of the letter that Francis wrote to the cardinals on 16 September about the [catastrophic] economic situation of the Holy See doesn't correspond to reality, writes Specola (

In the Vatican, the letter was commented on as follows: "Another marketing operation; if people knew the truth...".

Specola quotes a cardinal at length: "Francis writes a letter to us cardinals after the Apostolic Constitution [Praedicate Evangelium on the reorganisation of the Roman Curia (2022)], which is full of errors, has been approved without considering us."

The text of the constitution was presented to the cardinals after its publication, the Cardinal says, "and the considerations we made after the event were rejected by those who supposedly worked day and night in the Vatican, sweating and spitting blood, until they finally published a text full of errors".

In the entire history of the Church, it is difficult to find another Pope who has marginalised the cardinals more than Bergoglio, the cardinal says.

The economic management of the Vatican is practically under Francis' personal control: "He also manages the Vatican apartments as if he were a hotelier."

And: "For years he has been saying that we must be poor, poor and poor. But in the pontificate of poverty the Vatican has accumulated more debt than before his election".

The cardinal points out that those who visit Bergoglio in Santa Marta always come with "nice envelopes [with money]":

"All the 'great men of finance' whose visits are sometimes, but not always, published in the bulletin of the Holy See, do not come empty-handed. But where does all this money end up which Francis receives?" asks the Cardinal. "Bergoglio sends money for this cause or for that cause. When he is asked, he tries to trick those who ask him with some magic words: immigrants, poor, needy, transvestites... He pretends things".

According to the cardinal, Francis' "reforms" are more about marketing operations than real change. Francis has abolished the subsidised rent for cardinals (fortunately for most of them, this has not yet come into force).

Moreover, he likes to adopt an accusatory tone in his letters. In his last letter he writes, for example: "Despite the difficulties and, at times, the temptation to inactivity and rigidity in the face of change, many results have been achieved in recent years. I thank you for the help you have given and will continue to give".

The Cardinal points out that "Francis has not yet understood that the resistance to these reforms, I refer to Praedicate Evangelium but also to In Ecclesiarum Communion, is not because we are 'immobile' or anything like that, but because we are very clear that the reforms are not applicable."

"We are not a company, we are the Church of Christ! Can Francis explain how this reform has borne fruit? The number of offices has grown, the structures have grown, the expenses have grown, and now you are asking us to find the money ourselves?"

The Cardinal continues: "While Bergoglio was in Buenos Aires, we have served the Holy See all our lives. We are very aware of the problems, the dynamics and the needs. When you come from the 'end of the world', you also have to practice humility, understanding that you cannot find the solution without knowing the problem. First one has to know and listen".

"One [= Francis] cannot trust those one falls in love with for a few months and then chase them away. How much money has been wasted in recent years because of Francis and his friends? He has tried and condemned a man [Cardinal Becciu] who, like his predecessors, made an investment. If we did not invest, how could we make this asset profitable?"

"Instead of attacking these laymen [= certain investors trusted by the Vatican] who were eating behind our backs and trying to deceive us, he tortured a cardinal of the Holy Roman Church."

"To give you an idea of how much the members of the Sacred College are valued by Francis, it is enough to think that historically, within 48 hours, a cardinal was entitled to an audience with the Holy Father if he asked for it. Today, if you don't belong to Francis' magic circle, you don't get an audience even after years".

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND#newsDyzftuhugj

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