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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
98% of Planned Parenthood's services to pregnant women are abortions
Support Catholic Vote's ad campaign to out Planned Parenthood and their abortion agenda.
Dear Friend of CV,
Boy did we get under their skin.
Within 24 hours of launching our new ad in partnership with the Susan B. Anthony List, officials from Planned Parenthood are up in arms. And now they're complaining to their friends in the media.
Help us raise $10,000 by Wednesday night to keep this ad on the air.
We set a goal. Please chip in something. And if you can give $50, then I will rush you Abby Johnson's new book for FREE!
In the ad, we state that "98 percent of [Planned Parenthood's] services to pregnant women are abortions."
Tait Sye, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood, complained to the liberal Huffington Post that we didn't include all the contraception services that Planned Parenthood provides.
"They're looking at the number of abortions compared to adoption referrals to come up with that number."
He can't refute what we said. And that's because those statistics came right from Planned Parenthood's Annual Report itself.1
According to their own fact sheet, Planned Parenthood helped 7,021 patients with prenatal care and logged only 977 adoption referrals in 2009. Those combined services account for just 2% of their services to pregnant women.
So what accounts for the other 98%? You guessed it: Abortion. Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in 2009 — in fact, Planned Parenthood is America's largest abortion provider.
So for every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performs 340 abortions. They don't care about helping low-income pregnant women unless those low income women want an abortion!
That's why they're running scared over our ad featuring Abby Johnson.
Now is the time to chip in. Can you help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by Wednesday night?
Please help us today by clicking here.
Abby Johnson has a story to tell.
Let's make sure America hears it.
Brian Burch
President, Education Fund
P.S. Our new ad has Planned Parenthood scrambling. Lawmakers will decide within days whether to hold firm on cutting taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Let's get the truth out there! Help us with your gift today by visiting:
If you prefer to mail your contribution, please send it to: Education Fund
P.O. Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690
(312) 201-6559
1. Planned Parenthood Fact Sheet, February 2011.
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