Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mother of the people of Haiti and our Mother, in selfless love you mourned the broken Body of Jesus your Son as you held Him in your arms at the foot of His Cross. It is His image and likeness we see in the dead men, women and children of Haiti. Through your prayers and intercession beseech for us the grace to also embrace them through our spiritual and material gifts.
Mary of Sorrows it is Jesus, your Son, for whom we weep as we suffer in union with your trapped, wounded and dying children in the ruins of Haiti. Beseech for them the grace of a deep Faith which gives to all the true freedom and life of the children of God.
Mary, Mother of Grace, it is in union with Jesus Christ crucified, your Son, who brings good out of every evil, that many souls around the world are reaching out to aid, to comfort, to heal and to rescue your children in Haiti.
Let us ever see the suffering holy face of your Son in the eyes of every suffering person. Let us always hear the voice of your Son calling out to us through every person in need, in Haiti and everywhere.
-- ((((..))))
Help the people of Haiti by donating through Food for the Poor. Forbes Magazine verified a fundraising efficiency ratio of 98% for FFP, which in 2008 spent 97.7% percent of funds on their programs in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1.7% on fundraising and 0.6% on administrative costs. You can reach FFP on line by clicking here, by calling 1 (800) 427-9104 or writing:
Food for the Poor
6401 Lyons Road
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
1 (954) 427-2222
Food for the Poor
6401 Lyons Road
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
1 (954) 427-2222
Photo of Haiti Cathedral by Carolyn Cole, LA Times.
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