Monday, March 3, 2025

How is the Pope? Official bulletins (sometimes surreal) and the reality of known facts. The word to the doctor

There are many hypotheses about Francis' conditions these days, also because the official press releases show many grey areas. Duc in altum asked for an opinion from a collaborator of the blog well known to readers: Dr. Paolo Gulisano, a doctor and writer. Here are his evaluations.


by Paolo Gulisano

Pope Francis continues to be in critical condition, and the pneumonia he contracted, with its almost inevitable complications, is leading to a progressive and irreversible worsening of the situation.

The cause of the hospitalization at the Policlinico Gemelli (rated by international health organizations as the second best hospital in Italy after the Niguarda in Milan) was bilateral interstitial pneumonia, a definition that sadly became known in the time of Covid, an almost always fatal diagnosis. The medical team at the Gemelli is therefore ensuring the pontiff the best possible care to try to help the elderly patient overcome the critical phase. It is unfortunate that more detailed information was not given regarding the drugs in use. There was talk of antibiotics – presumably for parenteral use, i.e. intravenously – of corticosteroids and little else. The patient, 88 years old and obese (which undoubtedly constitutes an important and additional risk factor especially for cardiac complications) was and is still undergoing oxygen therapy support.

The official bulletins issued by the Health Directorate during the hospital stay were all very poorly detailed, especially regarding the patient's vital parameters. Yesterday, news was given that could suggest a worsening of the situation. The Vatican Press Office reported "an isolated crisis of bronchospasm which, however, caused an episode of vomiting with inhalation and a sudden worsening of the respiratory picture".

This is rather imprecise information. In reality, this episode of vomiting with bronchospasm would suggest a new form of serious lung disease, pneumonia ab ingestis , which occurs in elderly patients, with difficulty swallowing, debilitated, when food ends up not in the stomach but in the lungs, with consequent serious infectious state. In fact, the Vatican statement continues by saying that "the Pope was promptly bronchoaspirated and began non-invasive mechanical ventilation, with a good response on gas exchange".

Interesting is the emphasis, which is meant to be reassuring, according to which the patient "is not intubated". After the years of media terrorism in which patients in intensive care were shamefully shown on television lying prone and intubated, with the aim of spreading fear of the disease as much as possible, the note on the Pope "not intubated" was necessary, with a view to minimizing the patient's conditions. Moreover, the "mechanical, non-invasive ventilation" mentioned in the statement means that Bergoglio has a mask covering his nose and mouth and providing him with oxygen. A serious situation, which entails a reserved prognosis. The evaluations of the doctors at the Gemelli hospital suggest that 24 - 48 hours will be necessary to verify whether the crisis the patient had yesterday has caused a worsening of his vital parameters. It will be important to verify whether he is suffering from ab ingestis pneumonia which could also cause sepsis, a bacterial infection of the blood, with presumably lethal consequences. An infection that could also start from the urinary tract, as unfortunately often happens with infections associated with healthcare. We were not told if the pope has a urinary catheter, but it is almost certain that he does.

Faced with these conditions, a certain type of narrative that has been provided to us, of a hyper-optimistic kind, which spoke of "a Pope at work", is frankly surreal, unless by work one means signing documents that were presented to him. Equally strange, not to say incredible, is what we read in the press release, namely that yesterday morning, shortly before the respiratory crisis, the Pope was in the chapel praying. It is difficult to believe that in his condition he could have been mobilized, taken out of bed and carried out of the room. In that case, why was this moment - if it really took place - not documented photographically? It would have brought comfort to the many faithful anguished by his condition and who pray for the Pope. Why was Francis, if he is truly not bedridden and independent, not taken in a wheelchair next to a window to greet the crowd that is constantly present in the hospital square, as John Paul II did when he was hospitalized?

Vatican press releases spoke until yesterday morning of a Bergoglio who after waking up had breakfast and read the newspapers. An idyllic picture that contrasts with a clinical situation that seems very different, and at the very least seriously disabling, if not at risk of a possible exitus…


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