Friday, February 28, 2025

Will the coming conclave elect another pope that seems less Catholic than Trump?


The Coming Trumpian Pope

As we pray for the Holy Father in his final agony, we wonder who the next pope will be and pray he will be a Trumpian pope, a bull in the china shop who will “make a mess.” 

  • Ruse

    A meme is making the rounds: a bull in a china shop has destroyed every plate, saucer, and cup. We are asked, “Is this what you voted for?” As a matter of fact, it is.  

    It is also what I voted for in 2016. The problem in 2016 was that politicized Democrat Deep Staters in the FBI, DOJ, military, CIA, federal judiciary, and Congress were in that china shop and illegally prevented the bull from doing his work. And they were cheered on by a thoroughly corrupted gutter press.  

    This time around, however, the bull has neutered and/or taken over all those agencies, including the media, and hired a lot of lesser bulls, but bulls who know precisely what to do. These bulls have a plan, and they are moving fast and breaking things, and, in the words of Pope Francis, making a mess. 


    NB We can always pray that the cardinals may decide it would be a weird look to have a pope that seems less Catholic than the twice-divorced, thrice-married, bad Protestant President of a Protestant anti-Catholic nation. 

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