Friday, February 28, 2025

New York Archdiocese prepares for Francis’ Passing


The Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York, led by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, sent an instruction to priests on 22 February - ahead of time - on how to proceed as "Jorge Mario Bergoglio nears the end of his earthly journey".

He asked for prayers as Francis suffers from a respiratory illness. The archdiocese "will observe the passing of his life in many prayerful ways". Here are some of the ways suggested in the archdiocesan directive (posted by Rich Raho on

• Upon hearing of the Pope's death, church bells may be rung 88 times, the number of years the Pope lived.

• The intention of the Pope would be included in regularly scheduled Masses.

• There are three formulas for Eucharists for a deceased Pope which may be used during the nine-day period of mourning.

• A memorial space could be established in an area of the church that does not compete with the significance of the altar, ambo, and tabernacle. It may include the lighted paschal candle, a picture of the Pope, a kneeler, candles to be lighted as part of prayer, and a book in which people may write prayer intentions.

• A spray of flowers or a drape of cloth may be used to decorate the exterior of churches.

• Requiem Masses may be celebrated in each parish or within a deanery. Before His Eminence departs to join the other Cardinals in Rome, he will celebrate Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.


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