Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cardinal Sarah Vigorously Defends the Traditional Mass


Cardinal Robert Sarah during his speech

During an event organized by La Nuova Bussola /Daily Compass on Monday, January 20, 2025, at the Teatro Guanella in Milan, Cardinal Robert Sarah presented his latest book Dio esiste? (Does God Exist?), published by Cantagalli.

The Guinean cardinal, who will turn 80 next June, developed his reflection on the existence and presence of God, and on how they are linked to the current challenges facing the Church and society. He has provided an in-depth analysis of key themes of the Christian faith, including the liturgy, Eucharistic adoration, and the defense of Tradition.

Defense of the Traditional Mass

The former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments vigorously defended the Traditional Mass, described as a pillar of the liturgical tradition of the Church. He even called any attempt to suppress this rite, whose spiritual richness has sustained the faith of generations of believers for 1,600 years, “an insult to the history of the Church and to Sacred Tradition.”

No doubt alluding to the rumors – well-founded – of this suppression, he added: “This project, if it is true, seems to me to an insult to the history of the Church and to Scared Tradition, a diabolical project that seeks to break with the Church of Christ, of the Apostles and the Saints,” recalling all the saints who celebrated it. The cardinal stressed that this liturgy is not only a historical heritage, but also a vital means for the sanctification of the people of God.

He then affirmed that what was considered sacred by previous generations must remain so for the Church of today. He also stressed that the authority of the Pope is at the service of Sacred Tradition and affirmed that “he is not an absolute monarch,” but “the guarantor of obedience to the word handed down” by the Church over the centuries.


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