Saturday, December 21, 2024

Fr. Heimerl: Francis’ ‘synodal church’ is controlled by old homosexual men

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Pope Francis in the 2024 Synod©

 (LifeSiteNews) — There are men who are like lonely callers in the desert, and we know from the Bible that it is usually the Spirit of God that rests on such men.

Joseph Strickland, the emeritus Bishop of Tyler, Texas, who was unjustly deposed by Francis, is such a man. He shares the same fate as the prophets of the Bible, namely that no one listens to him.

Yet millions now listen to Bishop Strickland; only his fellow bishops do not.

When Strickland recently asked them to finally take a stand on the fact that Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith, his words fell into silence. No one dared to come forward to support the Texan who spoke the truth so fearlessly, no bishop in the U.S. and certainly no one elsewhere.

Nevertheless, what Strickland said remains true: Francis stands for a new, for a “synodal” church and with it for a new faith that is no longer Catholic and which must be decisively rejected! No one is obliged to believe in a “synodal” church. On the contrary: the traditional faith of the Church forbids this.

While the bishops remain silent about all this, the superior of the German district of the Society of St. Pius X clearly called a spade a spade. He described the Pope’s “synodal church” as “diabolical,” a “betrayal of Christ’s mission,” and “anti-Gospel.”

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