Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Spanish Bishop Accused of "Transphobia" For Stating What Is Obvious

Monsignor Joseba Segura, 66, the Bishop of Bilbao, Spain, stated in his 15 August homily the truism that a person "cannot construct the identity of being a man or a woman, or something in between, or neither, at will".

He added that the body imposes restrictions and limits on our will. Some people may suffer with their bodies, but that doesn't mean that the body "has no say".

There is no absolute freedom to be what one wants, because "pure desire is not capable of creating reality."

The mayor of Bilbao, Juan Maria Aburto, and other politicians were present at the Eucharist. Afterwards, they spoke out against Bishop Segura for "hate speech" and for being "transphobic" and "divisive". In reality, the bishop had only stated the obvious.


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