Saturday, September 7, 2024

Jailing an 89-year-old prolife former abortionist:

“Depravity or pure evil?

“It only seems that the purpose of moonbattery is the pursuit of depravity as an end in itself. Actually, there is a deeper purpose — namely, pure evil. This is most prominently reflected by liberals’ vehement promotion of abortion.

“Evil in this context is a metaphysical concept, as former abortionist Catherine Wheeler came to realize:

“I was about to begin an abortion procedure on a teenager, when the room darkened, and time seemed to slow down. There was an unmistakable presence of evil, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it. What scared me most was my awareness of pure evil in the operating room, related to the abortion I was performing,” explained Dr. Wheeler.

“Previously, she had bought into feminist rhetoric without considering the value of innocent life and the monstrousness of abortion. She never committed another.

“Others evidently feel the presence of evil but are not repulsed by it. They are a threat not only to unborn children but to those who would defend them — as Eva Edl recently learned:

A federal jury in Michigan on Tuesday convicted seven pro-life advocates on charges of “conspiracy against rights” as well as for violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

The group of defendants includes Eva Edl, 89, who survived a Communist death camp as a child in Yugoslavia before fleeing to the United States.

“The defendants face over 10 years in prisonand hundreds of $thousands in fines for speaking up in defense of innocent life. This is what it means to be ruled by evil.

Edl told The Daily Signal in April: “When I was indicted, I began to prepare to die [in prison].”

“She once survived a similar situation:

As Danube Swabians – a German-speaking minority group in Communist Yugoslavia – Edl and her family were sent to a death camp by the authoritarian government of Josip Broz Tito shortly after World War II had concluded.

“However, she can’t expect to be lucky enough to survive these fiends twice.”

On tips from Chris Neilson and MrRightWingDave.


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