Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ex-Synod Interests Only Those Who Want to Replace Catholic Teaching with Heresy

"Synodality" is of little interest to many Catholics, writes Carl Olson in Catholic World Report.

For Olson, the problem with the ex-synod is simple: "If you claim that product Z is a new and improved version of product A, you had better be able to explain what it is, how it works, and why it is better."

The synodal flood of synodal adjectives ("synodal process", "synodal listening", "synodal conversion", "synodal journey", "synodal life", "synodal method", "synodal perspective", "synodal practice") has confused and annoyed many Catholics.

"Ironically, while 'listening' (or 'synodal listening') plays an important role in the synodal process, one wonders how many are listening," Olson writes.

The Instrumentum Laboris for the Ex-Synod is long, over 20,000 words, and full of propaganda jargon.

It shows an obsession with using the term "synodal" to describe realities that have been part of the Church since its foundation.

Witness, discernment, listening, care for the poor, respect for women - are treated as if they were somehow new, hitherto undiscovered and unpracticed.

But the fuller nature of redemption and salvation is not brought into focus. In fact, 'salvation' and 'sin' are never mentioned; 'redeemed' appears only once.

Virtue is never mentioned and 'holiness' appears only twice. The eschatological character of faith and of the Church is sidelined, if not buried altogether.

Finally, it is worrying that a document on the Church and her mission never quotes any words of Jesus Christ or even anything from the Gospels.

Moreover, many Catholics are not interested in documents that talk a lot about 'transparency' (15) and 'accountability' (19) when men like Father Marko Rupnik continue to enjoy the favour of Francis.

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsHqhkakvgem 

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