Saturday, September 14, 2024

89-year-old among 7 pro-lifers facing 10-year sentences after Biden-Harris prosecution

CV NEWS FEED // A federal jury in Michigan on Tuesday convicted seven pro-life advocates on charges of “conspiracy against rights” as well as for violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

The group of defendants includes Eva Edl, 89, who survived a Communist death camp as a child in Yugoslavia before fleeing to the United States.

Edl, Joel Curry, Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Justin Phillips, Cal Zastrow, and Eva Zastrow each “face over 10 years in prison and hundreds of thousands in fines upon sentencing,” The Daily Wire reported.

The Daily Wire also noted that the Biden-Harris administration “has been using the conspiracy against rights charge, originally designed for the Klu Klux Klan, to go after pro-life activists.”

The charges stem from a peaceful protest that all seven defendants took part in outside an abortion facility in the Detroit suburbs.  

“Edl and Idoni were convicted on an additional charge for a pro-life protest” at another Michigan abortion facility, per The Daily Wire.

Edl, a Christian, said during the trial: “We need suffering in our lives in order to be purified and not feel sorry about ourselves.”

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