Thursday, August 22, 2024

What motivates Pope Francis’ attempts to normalize homosexual relationships?

 Veteran psychologist Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg argues that Pope Francis’ fervent promotion of the narrative that homosexuality is innate and morally acceptable, while denigrating traditional family values, suggests an intimate alignment with the pro-gay ideology.

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Editor’s note: Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg, Ph.D., is a Catholic and veteran of psychotherapeutic practice since 1962 who holds a master’s degree in psychology from the university of Leiden, Holland, and a Ph.D. in social sciences from the University of Amsterdam, where he specialized in homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia as sexual neuroses. Dr. Aardweg has researched and written extensively on homosexuality, with three of his books translated into English: Homosexuality and Hope (1985); On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality (1986); andThe Battle for Normality (1997). 

(LifeSiteNews) — What motivates the Pope to impose universal recognition of homosexual relationships on the Catholic Church?

This question is in the back of the mind of many confused and perplexed people, Catholics and non-Catholics. It must be discussed openly, for people have a right to know who their leaders are and what they can expect from them. The answer is also of importance in view of the next conclave as it may be of influence to the choice of the successor of this pope.

The view discussed in this article is that the most probable answer to the above question in the title, the best explanation of the main motive of the Pope’s policy and overall behavior in relation to the issue of homosexuality, is (1) that he has a significant personal stake in it, that is, that he himself is afflicted by one or another form of same-sex attractions, and (2) that he has come to identify himself unrestrictedly with the ideology of the homosexual movement and made it his mission to introduce “normalization and justification” of homosexual relationships in the Catholic Church.

The first point is a psychological diagnosis, not an accusation. Same-sex tendencies are mental and emotional disorders, personality disorders, serious handicaps (not physical diseases). The second point, on the normalization and justification of homosexual relationships as the goal of the “gay” ideology, is of a different order; it is a matter of morality and here we have the big problem. In connection with the pressure exerted by the EU Parliament to recognize homosexual unions, Pope John Paul II offered a theological diagnosis of such a normalization: it is “a grave form of violation of the law of God,” the operation of an insidious “new ideology of evil.”[i]

Many well-documented observations of the Pope’s behavior strongly suggest the answer to our question above can be organized into three categories: first of all, those relating to the unabated fervor with which he promotes the recognition of homosexual relationships. He protects sexually criminal homosexuals; he elevates the dubious claims of a small minority of the population[ii] to a – perhaps the – central preoccupation of his pontificate while he grossly neglects and harms the real needs of the threatened family and normal marriage. Secondly, there are the observations about the way he pursues his pro-homosexuality policy; and there are the observations of salient traits of his personality. It is not conceivable that a normally heterosexual man would be able to identify himself in all these aspects so completely with the “gay” cause; even when an opportunistic heterosexual politician promotes it, he does not suppress his common sense and moral sense so radically as those for whom it is a personal need. This article intends to elucidate these points.

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