Sunday, August 4, 2024

My latest column: “Trump & Trads: Everything is Connected”

By Father Kevin M Cusick 

Many are reassessing much in the wake of the social and political earthquake that was the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13th, a Fatima anniversary day.

Photos of an embattled, bloodied but unbowed, former president on his feet after briefly taking cover from potential further danger, fist defiantly raised in the air and yelling “Fight!”, ricocheted around the world with lightning speed. It was, I would wager, not the icon nurtured in the malevolent hearts of those who may have been behind the attack of the apparent lone gunman.

In the wake of this startling and galvanizing, literally physical, political resurrection, simply yet one more of many roadblocks legal and otherwise thrown in his path, even some former leftists are seeing reality in an entirely new way. 

Some who once did not are now rallying to Trump, drawn by his fighting spirit after for so long repelled by his sometimes spicy and distasteful rhetoric. Moments like these reveal the heart of a fighter, a kind of goodness and strength hidden beneath layers of bad habit and hypocritical inconsistency, perhaps mixed with an expediently loose relationship with the truth. Common tools these, in the kit of the political creature for whom everything boils down to votes and victory.

Ideologues want him out lest he frustrate their plans for continued corrupt self-enrichment by means of political power. They’ve tried nearly every method other than annihilation thus far and the man just bounces right back. Could it be his knack for thus far overcoming every attack that drove them to stage the attempt on Trump’s life at a political rally in a Pennsylvania field on a hot summer afternoon?

Trump is not the only one living with psychological distress, shell-shocked and in the constant crosshairs of a sniper’s scope. Ideological takeover by a gay lobby, among other corrupt interests, has reduced the Church to a political battlefield. Marxist tactics demand that a common enemy be identified against whom revolutionary troops can be rallied to achieve preset objectives.

Traditional Catholics, those who exclusively attend the traditional Latin Mass, have lived constantly under the crosshairs of Traditionis custodes since it exploded like a time bomb shattering the harmony of a peaceful ecclesial landscape nurtured by Benedict XVI in Summorum Pontificum. The farseeing and prescient plan of a pastoral pope was destroyed by a puppet of corrupt special interests armed with a wicked and faithless agenda. The traditional adhesion to Catholic faith and morals is a fly in the ointment for the modernists now in power who plan to use it for the sake of complete and ineradicable victory.

A characteristic of shell-shock is a constant low-level hyper awareness. It is a defense mechanism, an attempt to protect the psyche from further harm. A thus vulnerable personality is particularly susceptible to rumors of further attack, prepared as he always is for renewed open conflict. Such was the case when rumors came of another Vatican crackdown from the robbers of the Vatican disastery against the liturgy. Roche the roach, Viola the violater and their cronies in academe, including Grillo the cricket, are determined to accomplish the impossible. The monument they desire for their lives’ work is the complete death and burial of the Roman rite so that the new creature invented to replace it will dominate the field.

In this context rumors swirled that a new edict may be coming on the feast this month of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, with the purpose of further restricting the celebration of the venerable and ancient prayer of the Church. But the day passed peacefully without further noxious fumes from the imposters who inhabit the Vatican offices once animated by others who loved and protected our holy faith and the souls who by means of it are saved.

The whole cloth from which the modernist liturgical collage was fashioned must be ungratefully unwoven, in a memoria damnata which serves to exalt the living and their own creation alone which can bring them personal glory. The vandals will be satisfied with nothing less than total enforcement on an unwilling minority.

It is not for nothing that the venerable Roman rite which is in the modernist crosshairs begins with these words of Psalm 42:

“I will go in to the altar of God.

To God who giveth joy to my youth.

Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation which is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.

For Thou, O God, art my strength: why hast Thou cast me off? and why go I sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me? “

The just man speaks, obedient and God-fearing, beseiged on all sides by the enemies of the One he serves and to Whom he gives all credit for strength in battle. He fights with a goal, for the greatest of all possible hopes: final joy in the eternal presence of the Holy One.

There are moments in the struggle when a hiatus in battle affords a moment of refreshment and reflection. Thus we, for the moment, can celebrate dodging a bullet, together with the former and possibly future president. For now.

The rumored ban (sic) of the TLM will, however, continue to be advanced through a low-decibel war of attrition along the lines of what we have already witnessed. Sometimes the attack is aided by journalists who alternately pose as friends of the Faith.

Just like a man nearly felled by an assassin’s bullet in Pennsylvania, who credits God alone for delivery “from the unjust and deceitful man”, we may be bowed and bloody. But we too must rise and, with hands held aloft toward the Almighty from Whom comes our help, steel ourselves together with all those of good will to “Fight!”

We mourn for those who fall injured, perhaps mortally, in the midst of combat. We pray for them. But far more by a factor of infinitude is to be feared the immortal danger of losing one’s Faith and thus eternal salvation. This is the reason for which we struggle on and never give up. This is why we rise each time however we may fall.

When the enemies of God bring the fight then we who faithfully take His part on Earth must engage the battle.

There is a reason why we fight. There is a goal for all our striving which gives it purpose and strength. Psalm 42 ends with triumph:

“Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him: the salvation of my countenance and my God.”

Those who fight with God, preserving access to the life of grace through devotion to His holy Cross in His prayer of Holy Mass are assured of beholding His face forever. Through the Mass the Eucharist, through the Cross the Resurrection.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

(Father’s column appears weekly in The Wanderer Catholic Newspaper. Subscribe at

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