Thursday, August 15, 2024

Dutch Bishop: "Pope Francis is a Coward"


It is obvious that the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was a parody of The Last Supper and not of a Greek myth, writes Auxiliary Bishop Robertus Mutsaerts of s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, on (August 2).

The artistic director, the homosexual Thomas Jolly, admitted it in the New York Post and the main actor Barbara Butch even spoke in a blasphemous way of "the new gay gospel".

Monsignor Mutsaerts explains why the homosexual activists focus exclusively on Christians and preferably on the Catholic Church while Muslims [and Jews] also condemn homosexual fornication:

"It shows that the homosexual community is a bunch of cowards. By the way, so are many priests, bishops and Pope Francis".

The bishop criticizes that Francis didn't say a word about the blasphemous opening ceremony, for example at the weekly Angelus: "He would rather talk about something as risk-free as the environment."

Monsignor Mutsaerts expects from the homosexuals to "just be honest" and "stop lying": "If you hate us, just say so, but stop lying and making excuses that it wasn't meant that way."

For the rest, Monsignor Mutsaerts finds the blasphemy ridiculous: "How far can you sink?"


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