Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cardinal Müller: Vatican official prefers empty churches to cathedrals full of people who reject New Mass

 In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Cardinal Gerhard Müller relays a conversion he had with a Vatican official about the Traditional Latin Mass after the Chartres pilgrimage in France as well as the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Holy Land.

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(LifeSiteNews) — In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews reporter Maike Hickson, Cardinal Gerhard Müller discussed the attitude of some in the Vatican toward the Traditional Latin Mass following the Chartres pilgrimage in France, as well as the ongoing crises in Ukraine and the Holy Land.

Speaking to Hickson, Müller revealed that when he shared his joy at having participated in the recent Paris to Chartres pilgrimage, during which 20,000 young pilgrims packed Chartres Cathedral to attend the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), an official of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship responded that it was more important that young people “respect” the New Mass.

Müller further elaborated that the unnamed Vatican official effectively said that young people who do not “respect” the New Mass might as well “not come” to church at all, and that an “empty church” would be preferable. 

Müller expressed his disagreement with the statement, telling Hickson that such an attitude is contrary to good pastoral practice and that it effectively “excludes” those “true and good Catholics” who attend the ancient liturgy. 

It is worth noting that despite the success of the traditional-minded Chartres pilgrimage, which LifeSite’s Paris correspondent Jeanne Smits heralded as a massive success that allowed the whole of France to see images of “thousands of young people who reject relativism and hedonism,” the Vatican seems intent on crushing the TLM.

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