Saturday, June 22, 2024

South Carolina Abortions Drop 80% as Heartbeat Law Saves Thousands of Babies


The Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act is saving unborn babies’ lives in South Carolina since it was upheld last August by the State Supreme Court. Newly released data from the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control shows abortions occurring in South Carolina declined by about 80 percent once the protective Fetal Heartbeat Act became legally effective.

“South Carolina Citizens for Life rejoices in these numbers that represent the preservation of these precious little lives,” said SCCL President Lisa Van Riper. “These are our little neighbors who have heartbeats – the most basic manifestation of human life. We applaud the public officials who ensured the passage and implementation of the 2023 Fetal Heartbeat Act,” she continued.

“The 80 percent reduction of abortions in South Carolina is a stark reminder that public policy saves lives.” Mrs. Van Riper said. “May this be a reminder that lifesaving legislation requires policymakers’ commitment to the lives of the unborn. May it remind us again that elections have consequences especially for life.”

During the first eight months of 2023 when abortion giant Planned Parenthood was fighting the law, DHEC statistics show an average of 954 abortions occurred every month in the three state-regulated abortion facilities including Planned Parenthood centers in Columbia and Charleston and a privately owned abortion business in Greenville.

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