Thursday, June 27, 2024

Can the Vatican Ban the Latin Mass? Catechism Says “No”

Lately in Rome, the city where rumors are often reliable news, murmurs have been circulating that the Vatican may soon impose a more rigorous edict of suppression for the Traditional Latin Mass, and perhaps for other rites as well (e.g., the sacraments and divine office). 

Should such an edict appear, it will once again raise two major questions of “practical theology” for universal debate, namely: (a) Does the Roman Pontiff have authority to prohibit the offering or attendance of the traditional Roman Rite? (b) If the pope were to declare such a prohibition (validly or not), would the faithful be obliged in conscience to comply, per the virtue of holy obedience? 

In lieu of an extensive theological treatment, we might engage the simple wisdom of any First Communicant and “look it up in the catechism.” 

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