Sunday, June 2, 2024

Butker: “If heaven is our goal, then we should take up our cross, however big or small it may be, and live our lives with joy in order to be a bold witness for Christ."


Butker Comments on Nervous Breakdown of Regime Propaganda

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker made a public statement on Friday night following his memorable commencement speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which caused a nervous breakdown for the regime's propaganda activists.

Butker was speaking at an event sponsored by, a warmongering outlet that recently kicked out Catholic convert Candace Owens for condemning the war in Gaza.

"If it wasn't clear that timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now," Butker said, announcing that the "shocking level of hatred" would not stop him from being "unapologetic" about the Faith.

"Over the past few days, my beliefs, or what people think, I believe, have been the focus of countless discussions around the globe."

"The more I've talked about what I value most, my Catholic faith, the more polarising I've become. It's a decision I made consciously, and one I have no regrets about".

"As the days went by, even those who disagreed with my viewpoints shared their support for my freedom of religion."

"Glorifying God and not ourselves should always remain our motivation, despite any pushback or even support. I lean on those closest to me for guidance, but I can never forget that it is not people but Jesus Christ I am trying to please."

Butker's main argument: "If heaven is our goal, then we should take up our cross, however big or small it may be, and live our lives with joy in order to be a bold witness for Christ."

He hopes that "many more will be unapologetic about their Catholic faith and never be afraid to speak out for the truth, even when it goes against the loudest voices".


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