Wednesday, May 22, 2024

US Bishops Eucharistic Revival Pilgrimage: 24 Paris-Chartres: 24k


“The National Eucharistic Congress issued a call last October for young Catholics to apply in service as Perpetual Pilgrims along the four distinct routes destined for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress this summer in Indianapolis, IN. After sifting through more than 100 applications and conducting multiple rounds of interviews and follow-up screenings, the National Eucharistic Congress is pleased to announce the core group of 24 individuals who have been selected to accompany Jesus in the Eucharist for the full duration of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage taking place May 17 to July 16, 2024. 

These Perpetual Pilgrims will travel a combined distance of over 6,500 miles, stopping at many holy sites along this unprecedented coast-to-coast pilgrimage modeled after the Gospel account of Jesus’ journey to Emmaus two millennia ago.”

Also May 2024: More than 20,000 walking  in three day pilgrimage for the Eucharist AND holy Mass, traveling thousands of miles and willingly endurimg hardships without an invitation from a single bishop.
And have been for years. No “revival” needed here… 

Is this an unfair comparison? In some ways, perhaps, yes. But it demonstrates the classic problem of the USCCB: always attempting to work through “elites” to bring change. Artificially.

The Eucharistic Revival of the USCCB will not take hold without, first, a Confession revival and a renewal of love for the holy Mass, which devotion drives traditional Catholics reverence for BOTH the holy Mass AND the holy Eucharist which we could never have without the Mass. 

In so many places the Mass has devolved into the appearance of a glorified Communion service, detached from the priesthood, with people in lay dress giving out Communion, something that will never happen with the TLM.

While Mass attendance continues to plummet we still haven’t answered for ourselves how we will get people to reverently yearn for and receive the Holy Eucharist if they won’t attend holy Mass in the first place.
The tradition, on the other hand, functions not through elites but organically, spreading like the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Paris-Chartres pilgrimage is an example of something the bishops could assist in order to better serve the pastoral needs of the faithful, but choose instead to ignore, while attempting yet one more top-down solution that cannot perpetuate itself after the money and attention is cut off. 

Compare the story of EWTN and the ill-fated attempt of the US Bishops start their own TV network. 

Another “event” that has no guarantee of influence  beyond what parishes and individuals are already doing, in some cases, very well already.

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