Friday, May 17, 2024

Hoping against hope


THESE THINGS I KNOW… 1.) Francis cannot remain pope forever. 2.) Even if his successor is Francis II, the Francis agenda is unsustainable and splitting the Church. 3.) Eventually, we will get a good pope again. 4.) When that happens, many of the errors of the Francis pontificate(s) will be reversed. And confusion surrounding the Second Vatican Council will be put to rest. 5.) Liberal Catholics will leave the Catholic Church, in large numbers because, after having tasted of the errors of Francis, they won’t be able to handle going back to orthodoxy. 6.) The Catholic Church will become smaller but more orthodox, and this will open the doors of evangelization of the Muslim world and re-evangelization of the West. 7.) A New Roman Missal will one day be promulgated, suppressing all previous missals, and bringing back the Traditional Latin Mass as the core of the liturgy, with translation and rubric “options” to make it fully functional in contemporary parishes.

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