Friday, May 24, 2024

Challenged on meatless Fridays?

Sometimes you get pushback on meatless Fridays as a Catholic penitential practice to mark the day as a memorial of Christ’s offering of His flesh on the Cross for our salvation.

Well, first of all, there are six other days of the week. Older folks can continue the practice of abstention on Fridays even as they should at the same time avoid fasting for health and medication reasons.

As we grow older we should be growing in our spirituality preparing well in love of God for eternal life. Our Catholic identity should grow as we age, not wither.

It’s a very small sacrifice to abstain from meat on Fridays. And a strong component of Catholic identity.

One of the benefits of switching to Tradition and TLM is the people are there because they want and enthusiastically embrace Catholic identity. Now I don’t have to repeat myself ad nauseam explaining simple Catholic practices like the Angelus, meatless Fridays, first Fridays & first Saturdays. All the things that were discarded.

Including regular confession.

(Image: Wikipedia)

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