Monday, May 13, 2024

Archbishop Aguer: ‘Smoke of Satan’ has made the structures of the Church ‘unbreathable’

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Archbishop Héctor AguerYouTube/Screenshot

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(LifeSiteNews) — The progressive officialdom installed in Rome for slightly more than a decade continues its policy of “canceling” those who, with freedom of spirit, seek to serve Jesus Christ from orthodoxy and Tradition. What is meant by “canceling” is all forms of ignoring, conspiracy of silence, marginalization, prohibition to publish in the media and on social networks, and even the termination of the functions of those who do not “synodally” bow to Vatican ideologies and discretions.

Good bishops such as Daniel Fernández Torres of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, were canceled. Cardinal Gerhard Müller was not brought back for a new term in the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith. And Cardinal Raymond Burke was even deprived of his salary and Roman flat. Others, such as Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon in France, had their powers limited by the appointment of new “coadjutors” who almost co-govern those dioceses in practice.

There are also numerous priests in different parts of the world who have been dismissed; they have even formed “associations” to help each other and provide the basic necessities for their sustenance. In some cases they have been left on the street and have had to find refuge in the homes of their elderly parents, siblings, or other relatives. I have already addressed them in other articles. I am constantly receiving mail, messages, and phone calls from faithful priests who do not fit into the official slogan of “everyone, everyone, everyone” and who therefore remain outside the “system.” The famous Peronist maxim has been imported into Rome: “For the friend, everything; for the enemy (supposed or imagined), no justice.” Even the Code of Canon Law seems to be dead and buried. Practically speaking, in the face of accusations of being “backwardists,” “worshipers of ashes,” “rigid,” and other similar labels, one can only wait for the guillotine without further ado.

The lay faithful suffer in alarm at so many arbitrary acts. They see how good priests are systematically forced to leave their parishes, or sent to destinations considered as “punishment.” The much-declared “peripheries” are the places chosen for this. They are literally left to their own devices. Alone, without a priestly community, without resources, and exposed to all kinds of dangers, not a few find illness and crisis there. Accusations of being “not very synodal” or of not being open to the “culture of encounter” lead to various forms of banishment.

Read the rest: 

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