Saturday, May 13, 2023

Please don’t get the jab

Here’s why. Devastating.

My mother was a well trained nurse back when science was science, meaning it admitted its limits. And she taught us the scientific fact that whatever you put into your body has side effects.

A neighbor was at the doctor for a visit. He recommended she get the vaxx. You know: that one.

He described all the things that could possibly happen if she didn’t get vaxxed. Something he couldn’t possibly know.  I suspect he didn’t describe the possible side effects of the vaccine. Just a hunch.

She gave in under the pressure and got the vaxx. Three days later at home she got confusion, dizziness and other symptoms. She ended up on the floor and had to be taken to the hospital.

What do you bet he’d say he knows for certain her symptoms can’t be from the jab? Something he couldn’t possibly know. 

She’s trying to recover at home now but also has a case of sciatica making sleep difficult. Suffering.

If your doctor pretends to be omniscient get a new doctor. Getting COVID can cause side effects, even death tragically. As also can an experimental “vaccine” that might just possibly not really be a vaccine.

Please don’t get the vaxx.


  1. Covid no more caused deaths than did the flu. Because it is the flu- branded as Covid.

  2. I work in healthcare. Part of job was with COVID. I refused vax because I felt they were lying from the beginning. Even IF the mRNA based vaccines were safe, they only elicit an antibody against one antigen on a constantly mutating organism. So they were obviously lying.

  3. From the beginning I just said NO to any dr, and there were several, whi pushed it. 1 dr said 'good for you' , when I said no vax

  4. I just said NO from the day one of the joke.

  5. Most Covid deaths were due to suppression of early treatment protocols or medical mismanagement (e.g. Remdesivir). Covid never has to result in death. For those who need treatment, it's available:

  6. Fr./LT Cmdr.: I have to ask, did you cave and get the juice since it was mandated through out the DoD? Or did you fight it through the accommodations process like the few, but courageous service members did? Those who did not comply with this evil directive were rewarded earlier this year when the mandate was rescinded (and C19 magically went away on 11 May 2023….) I hope you did not as we need healthy priests to care for the faithful. It was a stressful time, knowing that I could be fired for not getting the jab. But I found much comfort and perseverance in the Holy Family. I will pray for your mom to heal. In Christ
