Thursday, March 16, 2023

My latest column: "The Rampage Of The Lawless"


March 16, 2023


One supposes that the truth becomes “safe” for liars once they control the levers of power and thus can take credit for finally disseminating it, or allowing it be to spread. The power of elected office or bureaucratic privilege is instrumentalized for its own perpetuation at whim through a manipulation of the facts. We are asked to believe that stupidity is as much to blame for the catastrophe of needless mortality as is obscurantism or any other possible motive.

“It always irritates some people when I say this, but it’s just the truth: The people responsible for the last three years of economic destruction, psychological injury, and mass pharmaceutical experimentation are callous and evil, but they’re also just really dumb. None of this meant anything, none of this was for anything, and that’s the bitterest pill of all. Every last person in these text messages, from Johnson to Hancock to other ministers to random experts and everyone else, has absolutely no idea what they’re doing or what the purposes of their restrictions even are.

“Lockdowns were every inch the crazy illogical senseless chaotic policies they appear to be. They are the fruit of shallow low-wattage government functionaries who have a planning horizon extending no more than two weeks, who judge their own success or failure via press coverage, and who regard the public as dimwitted cattle to be herded in expedient directions” (

We have been informed in recent days that COVID originated in the Wuhan lab, as many previously thought. Those now also admitting such sit at desks in big buildings in D.C. with federal government agency names, signaling that it’s safe for the fellow-traveling propagandists at The New York Times and The Washington Post to get on board. Increasing numbers are stating as well that the vaccines were, for motives of profit, perpetrated hastily and without proper testing. Check.

Perhaps the only question remaining is, when will “the powers that be” decide the catastrophic excess mortality is real? Now that the COVID pandemic has been declared to be over, when will we admit that current excess deaths are no longer from a pandemic that has ended and begin to explore the possibility that the human intervention of the vaccine in response to it is the next most plausible source?

Without neglecting the real tragedy of, and in some cases the preventable criminal negligence resulting in, pandemic deaths we can say that the natural immunity afforded by the virus itself provided for the vast majority the most secure and dependable protection from the disease. The long arc of medical science both observed and documented handed down this knowledge. The question remains as to why so many who should have been expected as medical professionals to rely upon and follow the guidance of such reliable know-how and proved experience panicked instead.

We’ve also learned that elected representatives of the people, in their bitter hatred of a former president who they fear may run again and indeed is doing so, set up a kangaroo court in the Capitol. In this travesty of justice, they cherry-picked camera footage and lied about the death of a police officer, among other crimes, in order to frame, convict, and send to jail some of those very citizens they are charged with representing. These innocent citizens now languish behind bars while the liars who framed and imprisoned them go free. Some have blithely moved on.

The crimes and injustice of the world are also to be found within the Church. The world, the flesh, and the Devil are at play in sinful behavior everywhere. The Founder taught, “To whom much is given much is expected.” He spoke here, however, of believers, the condition necessary when speaking of faith for knowing its value. “One cannot give what one does not have.” The habit does not make the monk, then. “Let the weeds and the wheat grow together,” the Founder also taught.

Read the rest:

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