Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Outrageous blasphemy: Chelsea Clinton claims “if Jesus were alive today he’d be working at Planned Parenthood”

No words. “Read your Bible”?

How about you read your Bible, Chelsea, and in particular check out the part that says, “Thou Shall Not Kill”.

Thank you, Archbishop Cordileone, for doing what is right, speaking out and making clear that Catholics who are legal child murderers, and the Catholics who support or approve of them, cannot receive the 
Eucharist because they are not in a state of grace but in mortal sin.


  1. As awful as this sounds, this appears to be a fake tweet created by someone that wants to cause trouble. I have researched this graphic/supposed tweet and can not find evidence of it anywhere. There are things in the tweet itself that lends itself to that idea that the tweet is a fake, not to mention that it can not be found in Chelsea's twitter account. Anyone could duplicate this with an app on their phone.
    You may want to do some more digging around on this one. Please let me know if you find conclusive proof of its authenticity. I would also like to know where you originally found this graphic.

    Thank you!

  2. It’s a fake tweet. She didn’t actually post this.

  3. This isn't on her Twitter account.
