Saturday, January 18, 2020

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. "One who sent me to baptize": God has sent His Spirit upon the Church to overcome all evil through His forgiving Love

In the aftermath of the massacre in Tucson years ago and in so many other places, with a lone gunman killing and wounding others who intended neither him nor others any harm, some are asking for an account of such evil. How can a person who does such things be forgiven? How can God allow such seemingly unforgiveable violence and hatred which erupts in the taking of innocent life, such as a young girl who just received her first holy Communion and a judge who attended holy Mass daily?

Yes, God must make an account of Himself, some believe. Others, looking to Christ, understand that God has already given an account of Himself, offering in advance the source of forgiveness for this sin and every sin. There is no evil that God cannot overcome with His love. There is no human person who can put himself beyond the reach of God's mercy in Christ. How does God do this? Through the Church. The voice of Christ in His Church speaks: "The LORD said to me: You are my servant, Israel, through whom I show my glory." (Is 49:3, 5-6)

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