Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Genuflect vs bow: a chasm in the church today?

Is there a chasm today separating those who are open to the sign of genuflection in the presence of the living God and those who always and only render a slight toss of the head in the direction of the tabernacle prior to, or after, holy Mass or when visiting the church outside of Mass?

When the contortions of yoga have become nearly ubiquitous outside of church it begs incredulity to hear that for so many a bending of the knee has become an exertion too far.

Love is always a thing of the maximum, not the minimum. The energy, the effort required in order to genuflect, is this not more a sign of love than the minimal effort required for a mere nod, sometimes so slight as to perhaps be indistinguishable for those others who look also to us for signs of faith and the love of God which fuels it?

A husband does not touch the head of his wife with the smallest part of the smallest finger of his hand, calling it love and thinks his wife will be content with this. Why should God then, Love itself, be also content with this? And how long will people, who call themselves honest, expect to look each other in the eyes and call love that which always and only demands a minimum of signs while also demanding heart, mind, soul and strength, for this is love.

The love of Jesus Christ is present also in the unity of the communion of persons who are the Church, and we see the unity of the love of God present in the Church in the love of those actions of worship in common, above all when the people of God are together in the building which we call "church" for the purpose of worshipping God.

Our God is so near to us, in Christ, and He wants also all the signs of love that we give Him, like a father who puts all of these treasures in His heart, to make it full to overflowing, with the riches of the love of His children.



l'amore di Gesu e presente anche nel' unita della communita delle persone della chiesa, e vediamoci l'unita del amore negli azione di lodare in commune, sopratutto quando siamo insieme nel edificio che chiamiamo "chiesa", per adorare Dio

‎... e l'amore a sempre una cosa della massima, non del minimo...l'energia, l'efforto che bisogniamoci per ginocchiare e piu una cosa d'amore che il minimo efforto che e necessario per un picolo movimento della testa.

il marito non si tocca la moglie sopra la testa con la parte piu piccola della digita piu piccola della mano e si chiama "amore" e pensa che lei dev'essere contenta cosi? Perche pensate che Dio, l'Amore stesso, dev'essere anche contento con questo?

Il Dio nostro e cosi vicino e si vuole anche tutti i segni d'amore che damiamo, come un papa che si mette loro come tesori nel suo cuore, per farlo pienissimo, traboccando, delle richezze d'amore degli bambini.

1 comment:

  1. A good post.

    I genuflect on entering the Church, at my pew and, before Mass starts anything I leave and enter. During the Mass, if I have to leave my pew, I reverence the altar about leaving and entering the pew.

    When serving as an acolyte, I sometimes get in a hurry when the priest is directing me/wants something and forget to bow as I cross in front of teh tabernacle. When I realize what I did, I always feel guilty. :)
