Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please Help: Filing Deadline for Lawsuit to Stop Obamacare Abortion Juggernaut Next Week

Dear Catholic Vote Friend, Stop Obamacare Now!

We're facing a big deadline.

Next week we plan to file an important brief with the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals in a major lawsuit to stop Obamacare.

Our brief will be filed on behalf of you -- the members of CatholicVote.org. We want to stop the law from going into effect now -- and our deadline to file is next Monday, May 23.

Can you chip in $15 to help fund our legal efforts?

Other Catholic groups, including the infamous Catholic Health Association are in court defending the President's new law.

The courts need to hear from us!

Our brief will be filed in a critical case that involves questions about the power of Congress to dictate our personal financial decisions. The lawsuit we are supporting argues that Congress has no power to force American citizens to purchase health insurance -- or penalize us if we decide to not to buy government insurance.

In this case, a federal judge has already ruled that the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate "mental activity."

Get that? Our thoughts are now actions. If this decision stands, there is virtually nothing the federal government could not regulate. The judge's decision has been appealed -- and so we are jumping in to help.

Please consider chipping in $15 to help fund our important brief!
Donate at: http://www.catholicvote.org/stopobamacare

The Commerce Clause of our Constitution regulates economic activity. But groups like the Catholic Health Association and other multi-million dollar hospital groups are urging the courts to uphold the right of Congress to force us to buy health insurance.

This case not only threatens our religious liberties, it goes to the heart of what it means to be free in America. Could Congress force us to buy nutritious foods? Or force us to buy cars to support the economy? What's next?

We have established the CatholicVote Legal Fund precisely for threats like this. We're directly involved in this case and need your help.

Please make a tax-deductible gift today. Your generosity will help provide the resources we need to get our brief filed by next Monday.

The American people remain fiercely opposed to Obamacare. We must do everything we can to oppose this unconstitutional assault on our freedoms. Obamacare remains a threat to the unborn, to seniors, the sick... in fact, it's a threat to everyone's freedoms.

Help us stand up to this attack on our liberty!

Brian Burch
CatholicVote.org Legal Fund

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