Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Great Lakes Recruit Training celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany

Father Charles Johnson arrives at the altar to begin holy Mass accompanied by Navy recruits serving as crucifer and acolyte at Navy Recruit Training Base, Great Lakes, Illinois.

Fr Johnson swings the thurible, sending incense outward and upward to symbolize both the making holy of the altar as the place where Christ will become present during the Holy Sacrifice and the prayers of the people arising upward toward God, made holy by their faith and grace of Baptism.

Fr Johnson, accompanied by the servers, in procession preparatory to proclaiming the holy Gospel.

Father Johnson uses incense at the offertory of the Mass to signify the prayerful offering of the gifts on behalf of the people to God and the anticipation of God's self-offering in Christ upon the altar in the gift of the Eucharist, Christ truly present Body and Blood Soul and Divinity.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful Altar arrangement given the temporary nature of the "chapel"... Very nice vestments aswell.

    Father, you really need suplices like that for the servers at your Parish...

    Matthew 26:7-10
