Saturday, April 24, 2010

Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC

The congregation filled the Shrine to overflowing for today's Pontifical Mass, a testimony to the blessing of the "blogosphere" for promoting the good of holy Church. This event was not officially promoted by any of the usual "official" Church organs and depended virtually entirely on the internet for its promotion.

Families, singles, young, old, lay, religious: every facet of the Body of Christ was represented at today's solemn Extraordinary Form Mass. The EF movement in the Church is self-sustaining principally through large families and promises only to grow bigger, stronger and more influential in coming years.

The schola rehearses

Clergy and servers prepare for the procession which began today's holy Mass.

The knights and ladies of Malta in formal regalia

Knights of Columbus provided the honor guard.

The MC instructs

The cappa magna: His Eminence William Cardinal Baum attended the Mass in choro

The sacred ministers enter the sanctuary

View of the apse with baldacchino, or ciborium, over the altar

The opening rites

The liturgical ministers after today's Mass

Bishop Slattery, Cardinal Baum and attending ministers

His Excellency Bishop Slattery

The Shrine was filled today with a standing room only crowd for the 1:00 pm Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Bishop Slattery of Tulsa was the celebrant and delivered a timely and moving homily of support for our Holy Father and suffering humanity.

Seminarians, priests and men religious were seated in the sanctuary together with acolytes. Many families, consecrated men and women and young people were present. This extraordinary form celebration of holy Mass made this an historic, extraordinary day.

The full text of Bishop Slattery's homily at the Mass is available here thanks to Matt C. Abbott.

Much thanks is due to the Paulus Institute and all who supported today's liturgy which was a resounding success for advancing the reforms of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and the restoration of the sacred in the universal Church. Special thanks also to Shawn Tribe at The New Liturgical Movement for linking to this post.


  1. Lovely photos. Thanks so much for posting them.
    Now I if only I could find a text or video of His
    Excellencies' sermon...

  2. Hello Father.Thanks so much for posting these pictures.I have to say this was an incredible experience for my family.The homily was fantastic to say the least.Thanks again for the pictures.Joe Gallaher

  3. Love the pictures. My sons were servers -- found one of them in your great photos. I'd love to know exactly how long the cappa magna was. Excellent turnout.

  4. I'm linked to you here where I have the full text of that awesome sermon.

    Bp Slattery may not have been originally scheduled; but he was meant to be there.

  5. Thanks for the schola rehearsal pictures. We don't usually wash our laundry so publicly, but that was the available space. It was an honor to participate in this historic occasion.

    Richard Rice
    Canticum Novum Schola of Greater Washington
