Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Andrew M. Brown: “Why can’t the media treat the Pope fairly?”

Pope Benedict has declared war on the demonic in cultures and societies and refuses to back down from his defense of the family, marriage and the sacredness of every human life.

The cultural destroyers must eliminate him and the moral authority of the Church in order to declare total victory in their struggle to take down Western culture and the Church which undergirds and advances it. Hatred is a symptom of the evil of war, and is the emotion aroused in those who are advancing in battle to destroy the one standing between them and the satisfaction of their evil desires. Only this explains the spittle-flecked lips, obscene cries and violent mob hatred of the avatars of cultural demolition. Andrew M. Brown exposes the purpose of the unrelenting attacks upon the Pope as demonstrated by the unreasoned and hysterical mob violence of recent weeks.
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"The nature of the unhinged journalistic free-for-all was best captured by the London
Telegraph’s Andrew M. Brown, who wondered March 30: “ Why can’t the media treat the Pope fairly?”

"A writer who specializes in mental health and in the influence of addiction and substance abuse on culture, Brown observed: “Intelligent journalists who are normally capable of mental sub­tlety and of coping with complex­ities have abandoned their critical faculties. There is an atmosphere of unreason.

“ 'I cannot help feeling that a lot of it is down to sheer, blind ha­tred. It amounts to the demoniza­tion of a whole institution and its leader. We have come to a stage where nothing good whatever, no good faith can be assumed of any­body involved in the Church — however senior, however greatly respected, loved, admired, includ­ing the Pope. . . .

“ 'Look at the newspaper car­toons, usually a reliable index, if you doubt the unreasoning quali­ty of prevailing attitudes. The car­toons caricaturing Pope Benedict XVI in recent months — with corks stuck in his ears in one pa­per, with a condom on his head in another — have been pure bile, designed to poison the imagina­tion. Today Gerald Scarfe in the
Sunday Times depicts the Pope as a skeletal figure, a sort of memen­to mori, sheltering under his vo­luminous robes a group com­prised of diabolical, leering priests with horns on their heads and cow­ering boys in pyjamas. Underneath the word ‘ Hell’ is scrawled in big letters.' ”

(From an article by Paul Likoudis in The Wanderer Catholic Newspaper.)

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