Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to cancel The Washington Post

The continued pretense of The Washington Post to self-identification as a newspaper is truly laughable after last Sunday's article purportedly about protecting children because, it appears, The Post wants us to believe their readers are stupid enough to buy into the myth that the only place a child could be at risk is in the Catholic Church. Why? Well, because that's where you find Catholic priests, that's why.

When the day comes that WaPo demonstrates a sincere desire to protect children everywhere they are at risk of abuse rather than using this sensational issue to target only one of the many places where children learn, worship and grow, that will be worthy of the name "news".

Monsignor Charles Pope offers a response to the WaPo article.

"The article, entitled 'After child abuse accusations, Catholic priests often simply vanish', seems to have as its purpose and focus the question of whether the Catholic Church is doing enough to 'track' and control the behavior of former priests once they have been 'defrocked' (i.e. laicized or removed from ministry). The question seems somewhat misplaced however since such functions of control, probation and registering sex offenders are the role of the State, not the Church. Never mind though, this article is going to be about the Church. Never mind that the Church has no legal standing or power to accomplish such tracking, control and legal disclosure. Yet it would seem according to the article that she is still negligent. Exactly how the Church is to accomplish this task of tracking and controlling is not made clear by the reporters or others interviewed."

You can read the rest of the article at the ADW blog by clicking this linked text.

For the benefit of those who are no longer willing to pay for the privilege of having their intelligence insulted on a regular basis, I again publish here instructions for canceling a subscription to WaPo.

From a previous post:

Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander gloats "Many Threaten, But Most Don't Cancel The Post". After the irresponsible and puerile Tom Toles comic strip entitled "Papal Bull" of March 28, 2010 (which can be found by copying and pasting the following URL: I AM canceling.

I was under the impression that the media-generated "storm" surrounding the Church and Pope Benedict was about a crisis involving the need to defend young people from the dangers of abuse. With the Toles strip it now appears to be more about an irresponsible and reckless encouragement of hatred and prejudice based upon religious affiliation, in this case Catholic.

I will be adding to the $53.8 million operating loss that is currently threatening to finally kill off this anti-Catholic relic that no longer serves the good of society but instead stoops to encourage prejudice and hatred.

I discovered a long time ago that I can print out the daily crossword from the internet. That was the only reason I continued to troop out to the mailbox every morning anyway.

Goodbye and good riddance.
-- ((((..))))

How to cancel a subscription to The Washington Post:

1. Call 202-334-6100.

2. Use prompt #4 for permanent cancellation or ask for an "agent".

3. Key in your phone number when prompted to do so.

4. Press #1 when prompted to verify your phone number.

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