Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Health Care Act and incremental promotion of evil

J. of Wilmington, Del, wrote to say that she could not find mention of
the elderly or disabled in USCCB statements about the Health Care Act.
"The Post had an interesting op-ed about how the House bill would pay
doctors to give end of life counseling to seniors every 5 years:
As a student of incrementalism, I can tell you that if this provision
survived to become law, the next step would be to make it mandatory.
Plus, the government would be providing the doctors with scripts. Care
to guess what the scripts might say?
Betsy McCaughey (former Lt Governor in NY, now heads an organization
to build awareness about hospital deaths due to infections) had an
interesting article on the risks of Obama care for the elderly in the
Wall Street Journal:
As a preview of things to come, she says that in Oregon, some cancer
patients are being denied care by the state, and are afforded the
benefit of physician-assisted suicide.
Scary stuff. This is why people are angry.
There will be countless opportunities via amendments to the law and
regulations to push the culture of death inch by inch. First it's end
of life counseling for seniors, then it will be mandatory prenatal
testing & then counseling for pregnant women carrying a disabled
child. Incrementalism is a powerful weapon in the culture of death -
it helps promote the banality of evil that Hannah Arendt wrote of."

Thank you, J.

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