Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lepanto Redux or The Idolatry of Devout Ideas?

Artist unknown. The Battle of Lepanto (17 C.)

The final flourish:

“Last October I wrote that our shepherds should read more military history to gain appreciation of the necessity of armaments. This year, the need for arms remains the same. But in this instance—our presidential election—the nature of the weaponry has changed. It means putting aside, for now, disappointment in a flawed Donald Trump in order to repudiate full square the hellscape the Harris/Walz duo lusts to usher in.

“NOTE: Just after finishing this last night, I caught the news of a second attempt at murdering Donald Trump. The left wants him dead. It would exult to see most of us on the killing field as well. Bear that in mind if your conscience is too exquisite to be bruised by voting for the man in the crosshairs of your enemies.”

The entire essay is worth the few minutes it takes to read it. Find it here:

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