In his latest essay, Archbishop Emeritus Héctor Aguer notes how Argentine President Javier Milei criticizes feminism as the Francis pontificate pushes for a greater presence of women in decision-making circles.

(LifeSiteNews) — In January, Argentine President Javier Milei participated in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum that takes place in Davos, Switzerland. His involvement took the form of a speech which attracted worldwide attention and demonstrated his academic-level knowledge of economics, especially in the history of that field over the past few decades.
Widely commented on was his “boldness” in criticizing Western leaders who, as he underlined with examples, have abandoned the path of freedom and embraced the path that leads to egalitarianism and socialist collectivism. No less was his courage in criticizing tendencies that Western “democracies” have widely adopted in their societies. I emphasize the importance of the Argentine president’s stance now that the Roman Catholic Church has bowed to the globalist agenda.
First of all, it is worth noting Milei’s criticism of feminism in his Davos speech. Feminist doctrine sustains an unnatural opposition between man and woman; it is a transposition of the class struggle of Marxism. Milei rightly related this position to “the bloody agenda of abortion” – which he said under the nose of international abortionism.
The issue of feminism is very topical in the Church, where a greater presence of women in decision-making circles is once again being proposed. It is worth mentioning one case in which women were invited to speak to the group of nine cardinal advisors close to the Pontiff. The “Synodal Way” raises the need for a female diaconate, the scope of which is being discussed in various ecclesial circles. There is talk of a “pastoral diaconate” for women; it does not seem likely that the intention is to endow it with sacramental power. Nevertheless, this constitutes a door; the Pope opens it and peeks in, giving room for others to dare to enter.
Rome prefers confusion hidden in dissimulation. This is a major problem today. Rome no longer assumes the role of Cephas(Rock) but has chosen to be the spearhead of progressivism. Unfortunately, at a time when the demand for feminist empowerment was growing, Pope Bergoglio did not want to continue along the path laid out by St. John Paul II in his apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem. The dignity of women is a principle historically upheld by the Church in very diverse cultural contexts. This foundational principle was recorded as early as the first century, as can be seen in the New Testament. I quote a beautiful passage from one of St. Paul’s letters:
Let women be decently groomed (en katastolē kosmiō), demurely and modestly (sōphrosynēs), wearing neither elaborate hairstyles, nor gold, nor pearls, nor costly apparel. Let them rather adorn themselves with good works, as befits people who practice piety (theosebeian). Let the women listen to instruction in silence, with all respect. I do not permit them to teach, nor should they seek to impose their authority on their husbands; on the contrary, let them remain silent. For Adam was created first, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who allowed himself to be seduced, but Eve was deceived and fell into sin. But the woman will be saved, fulfilling her duties as a mother (dia tēs teknogonias), provided she perseveres in faith, love, and holiness, with due discretion (sōphrosynēs). (1 Timothy 2:9-15)
It is not unknown to me that some of these features were inspired by the relationship between the ecclesial community and the culture at the time and are thus not as applicable today. But the fundamental principle is the condition of the Christian woman: discretion (which also existed in the paganism of the first century), alien to all feminism. I emphasize St. Paul’s reference to motherhood and its link to salvation: the harmony of the natural order, with full grace.
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