Scripture, and of course Catholic teaching, instruct that such pornographic and sexual matters as are treated upon in the Disney interview video involving Pope Francis and young people are “not even to be discussed among you”.
To attack the Faith and morals of the Church is to attack the members of the Body of Christ, His Church, who must strive through temptation and human weakness with the help of grace to live up to His counsels of perfection and holiness.
To place stumbling stones in the path of humanity through demoralization and scandal is a great sin in itself. It is also a persecution of those who are weak in faith and already greatly confused in these evil times.
Banning the legitimate traditional worship in churches on the one hand and counseling sin, calling evil good, on the other are works of Satan.
To attack the members of the Body of Christ in so many ways, the number of which grow daily, is to attack Christ in His members as the Lord made clear to Saint Paul on the road to Damascus.
The only other possible explanation for this diabolical behavior is that he is mentally deranged, for which possibility we ardently pray that there may be yet hope for the salvation of his soul.
Francis during Holy Week: Porn Is "Rich Sexual Self-Expression"
Meeting fornicators through dating [sex] apps like Tinder is "normal," and the Church's teaching on "sex" is still "in diapers" [and not in condoms], Francis brown-nosed in front of ten anti-Catholic activists who are backed by the decadent rich of this world.
Francis' follies were filmed in June but were aired, fittingly, during Holy Week (Disney+, April 5). Among those present was a Colombian online prostitute who produces "adult content" and talked about pornography and masturbation.
Francis replied that “expressing yourself sexually is a richness,” but that “anything that diminishes real sexual expression diminishes you too, it makes you partial, and it impoverishes this richness.”
Having said such immature stupidities, Francis rightly concluded that “Christians haven't always had a mature catechesis on sex.”
Another sexually disordered woman considering herself “nonbinary” spoke about homosexuality. Francis sowed hatred and condemnation by replying that people who use the Gospel to “sow hatred” live “to condemn others because they don't know how to ask forgiveness for their own faults.”
Referring to homosexuals, Francis said, “I don’t have the right to expel anyone from the Church,” adding that “my job is to receive, always.”. In real life, Francis knows very well - as in this interview - how to cast out the good while coddling the bad guys.
A promoter of abortion gave Francis a green handkerchief, the symbol of the Argentinean infanticide movement that introduced abortion in 2020. Francis replied that he instructs priests who minister to mothers who have had abortions “not to ask many questions and be merciful, like Jesus is."
This is what Christ says about those who do evil to the little ones, "It would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Mt 18:6).
“A woman [= mother] who has had an abortion cannot be left alone,” Francis said. “She must be accompanied.” On the same note, he should have said, "A priest who abuses a child cannot be left alone, he must be accompanied." Unlike abortion, child abuse is not murder.
Francis finally brown-nosed that "this is the way of the Church: all brothers and sisters, all united, each with their own points of view, their positions, some closer, some further, but brothers and sisters, one brotherhood." It is well known how angry and vulgar Francis reacts when confronted with positions he doesn't like.
Pornofex: Was It Really Necessary? Even Francis' Friends Are Baffled
Was it really necessary to invite a porn actress to explain to Francis that men were making specific requests to her for shooting nude videos?” the anti-Catholic asked (April 6).
La-Croix referred to Francis' Disney+ documentary "The Pope Answers" with 10 people in their early 20s, among them an internet prostitute and a former nun who now lives as a "lesbian". He told them that sex is a "beautiful thing."
“Do you know Tinder?” asks Celia, one of the participants. Ignorant Francis admitted that he does not know it, but responded: “It’s funny, young people have an eagerness to meet and that’s a good thing.” Tinder has been banned in Pakistan for immoral content.
Francis followed the conversation among the ten chosen activists talking about "benefits of masturbation." The producers insisted that Francis viewed their propaganda piece in November and did not ask for changes.
Francis is the Archbishop of Sodom & Gomorrah, of course an anti-catholic, Judo-Masonic pig like him would do something like this. He is a wicked man for a perverse generation. He is no pope, the is Vicar of Antichrist.
Francis likes to use "Love the sinner" comments to give the impression that he's OK with homosexuality, abortion, ...every abomination. He just doesn't say it directly so he can deny that's what he meant. Although he doesn't really have to deny it. Just shred the Dubias as they arrive.More
"Sex is a beautiful thing," but the Pope should have followed that up with St. Agustine's insights that it is beautiful only within the context of sacramental marriage between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation and unifying their love. Pope Francis should use these opportunities in meeting young people to bring them to Christ and his Church but not to confirm them in their sins.
There is no more defense of this filthy pervert Pope. To appear on this interview is bad enough, but to speak of the "benefits of masturbation" is beyond disgusting. It is proof of how low the CAtholic Church has sunk, that CArdinals do not stand up and demand his resignation, or to stage a coup and throw him out of office as a heretic. It is no longer a case that he " is destroying" the Catholic …More
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...
S. Agnetis Virginis et Martyris ~ Duplex
*Scriptura: Feria III infra Hebdomadam II post Epiphania*
Tues, 1/21/25:
Today is the feast of St. Agnes, V & M, under the 1954 (double) and 1962
(III ...
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