Friday, January 7, 2022

Please pray in reparation for the scandal of the Pope’s approving letter to Sister Jeannine Gramick

The pope sent an ambiguous letter of approval to Sister Jeannine Gramick for her participation in the previously condemned “New Ways ministry” which implies at the same time approval of her advocation for many years of sodomitic same-sex activity by means of the same. 

The Church has already spoken on the subject of this “ministry” with the following statement:

“… ambiguities and errors of the approach of … Father Nugent and Sister Gramick have caused confusion among the Catholic people and have harmed the community of the Church,” Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, 1999.

Please pray the following in reparation:

O Jesus, my Savior and Redeemer, Son of the living God, behold, we kneel before Thee and offer Thee our reparation; we would make amends for all the blasphemies uttered against Thy holy name, for all the injuries done to Thee in the Blessed Sacrament, for all the irreverence shown toward Thine Immaculate Virgin Mother, for all the calumnies and slanders spoken against Thy spouse, the holy Catholic and Roman Church. O Jesus, who hast said: "If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it to you", we pray and beseech Thee for all our brethren who are in danger of sin; shield them from every temptation to fall away from the true faith; save those who are even now standing on the brink of the abyss; to all of them give light and knowledge of the truth, courage and strength for the conflict with evil, perseverance in faith and active charity! For this do we pray, most merciful Jesus, in Thy name, unto God the Father, with whom Thou livest and reignest in the unity of the Holy Spirit world without end. Amen

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