Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Jesus has a way for mortal sinners to improve their intimacy with Him: it’s called the sacrament of Confession

A Jesuit priest at a Georgetown parish who gives Communion to abortion and sodomy promoter Joe Biden says it’s a good thing because it increases his “intimacy” with God.

Actually, no. Such idiocy seems to gain great traction today when so many today peddle in lies. Communion for unrepentant sinners is not intimacy with God, it is rather the opposite: a deeper sinful condition which leads further away from God.

Those in obstinate public scandal and mortal sin regain intimacy with God through the sacrament of Confession, as taught by Christ Himself in establishing the sacrament.

One who says no to the Lord in the intellect and will by rejecting his teaching in matters of faith and morals has wandered far from him in sin. Such a person can only approach Him in friendship again through contrition as did the woman caught in adultery.

Christ has established the means for sorrow and the conferring of His forgiveness through the Sacrament of Confession which the Georgetown priest is responsible for offering to Biden as the only means of restoring “intimacy” with the Lord.

The Jesuit priest who gives Biden Communion knows this fact just as does every other priest. Why does he deny it? Perhaps he is addicted to plaudits from the world and favorable reviews from the satanic media.

He also needs to go to Confession for spreading lies about Christ and leading souls to hell.

Read about it here:

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