In response to the federal government shutdown, Chesapeake Cares Food
Pantry is holding a special event, Food for Furlough, on Monday, October
7 from 2-4 PM. This will be a food distribution event to serve those
in need that have been impacted by the recent shutdown.
6045 Solomon's Island Rd
(behind the Counseling Center building)
Huntingtown, MD 20639
Here are a couple of quick facts about the event:
1.Even if the shutdown ends by Monday, employees still may be struggling or waiting for information on when they will be paid.
2.We will NOT be checking for federal ID's. Anyone who shows up will
receive food. When Jesus fed thousands, He just fed them - He didn't ID
them first.
3.There is a large percentage of Calvert County
residents that are federal employees or their workplace will be affected
by the shutdown.
Here is how you can help:
1. Spread
the word on social media. Continue to spread the word all weekend.
Share it, like it, repost it, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
2. The
best way people can help right now is to make a financial donation
instead of a food donation. The EHCC website will have a special
donation page.
3. Pray.
If you or someone you know (family,
friend, neighbor) has been placed on furlough, please encourage them to
attend on Monday. You do not have to be currently receiving groceries
from any food pantry. You do not have to live in Calvert County.
Families will be asked their name and number of people living in their
household. No one will be asked further information. If you or someone
you know is in need of food assistance after Monday, please visit
Chesapeake Cares on Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30 PM or Thursday
morning from 9:30 AM -12 noon.
This event provides a tremendous
opportunity for Chesapeake Cares to provide hope in the midst of unsure
times. I look forward to partnering with each of you in prayer this
weekend as we do as Jesus did - we will feed them.
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