Friday, March 31, 2023

My latest column: “No, Cardinal Roche, The Church’s Theology Has Not ‘Changed’”

March 30, 2023


Cardinal Roche’s “holy war” against tradition, and the Traditional Mass, is perpetrated on the falsehood that Catholic theology — and the truth of Revelation which it imparts — can “change.”

Roche was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 for programming which aired March 19, in which he continues his jihad by means of restrictions on the Traditional Mass. He is the source of a cascade of documents implemented under Pope Francis since July 2021 to limit and ultimately ban, the holiest tradition and divine revelation of the Holy Mass handed down from apostolic times. Traditionis custodes, the first shot fired in the modernist war on the Mass, was ignored by many bishops. These may have been the ones who responded positively to a Vatican survey which was used as the excuse for the restrictions. We were informed the survey revealed an overall negative reaction.

Roche here sounds in the interview much like an intellectual adolescent recycling clichés:

“The theology of the Church has changed. Whereas before the priest represented, at a distance, all the people — they were channeled through this person who alone was celebrating the Mass.”

The theology of the priesthood is based on the truth that the Mass is the self-offering of Christ, a true sacrifice that takes away sins. The priest stands in persona Christi and does indeed thus as another Christ truly offer the sacrifice. The baptized present participate according to the graces of their Baptism, but the sacrifice does not depend upon them in the same way as on the role of the priest. The difference is a matter of kind and not simply degree. The Mass can be offered with or without the presence of the people.

When Roche says that “it is not only the priest who celebrates the liturgy but also those who are baptized with him, and that is an enormous statement to make,” he cannot state such in a way to imply that the Mass cannot be offered by the priest alone. The theology of the priesthood is based on the truth of the sacrificial death of the Lord on the Cross. This cannot change no matter how Cardinal Roche may twist himself into a pretzel theologically.

Comments by Austen Ivereigh were also aired on the program. He argues devotees of the Traditional Mass should be labeled as “a movement undermining the Second Vatican Council.” Ivereigh therefore supports restrictions on the TLM “to put a limit, to put borders, not to suppress it, but to put it back into the hands of the bishops.”

The several documents churned out by Roche have taken more and more control over the liturgy away from local bishops. As quoted by LifeSiteNews, liturgical scholar Matthew Hazell highlighted Roche’s comments, noting that contrary to the cardinal’s claim, the teaching of the Church had not changed. He pointed to the teaching of Pope Pius XII in his 1947 encyclical Mediator Dei, in which the Pontiff outlined the Catholic teaching on the congregation uniting themselves to the priest in the sacrifice of the Mass.

Read the rest:

Will this time in history be described by future generations as a scam epidemic?

Fakes, frauds and farces abound.


The jab,

Global warming, er … climate change,



“Catholic” Biden & Pelosi,

James Martin,

Certain men in high ecclesiastical office pursuing every agenda but saving souls,

I’m sure you can add many more of your own.

And then there’s Rupnik …


View of the Cathedral from direction of train station 

Light show on facade 

Reliquary in large crypt chapel 

Romanesque statues in doorway 

Clock with ambulatory sculpture bas relief cycle of scenes dying life of Our Lady and Our Lord 

Relic of Our Lady’s veil in upper church apse

Elements of bas relief sculptures depicting lives of Mary & Christ 

Stained glass 


Thursday, March 30, 2023

On Francesco's illness and a fading regime


at The Wanderer blog

“Pope Francis is near the end. It's a matter of days or weeks; a few months at the most". This is the rumor that has been circulating in the Roman curia for some time. The seriousness of his illness is a secret known to all and has already been commented on in various forums. As the Observatory reminds us, more than ever indispensable in these times, "popes enjoy good health up to three days after their death".

What could only be considered a voice coming out of the obscure anti-Bergoglio centers became more significant due to the sudden decompensation suffered yesterday, which forced the pope to be hospitalized in the Gemelli polyclinic. Furthermore, the program of celebrations for Holy Week without his presence is already ready: Cardinal Re will preside over Palm Sunday and the Easter vigil; Cardinal De Donatis will preside over the Chrism Mass and Cardinal Gambetti the celebration of Good Friday.

Faced with the news of the pope's health, what every good Catholic must do immediately is to pray that God will strengthen the Holy Father in the pain of his illness and, when the time comes, in his death.

We, who do not know whether we will be alive when the pope dies, can allow ourselves some further reflection. And what stands out most concerns the disconcerting incapacity of the Holy See's press office to handle situations of this type.

As can be easily verified in all the media, officially first it was said that the hospitalization was due to scheduled health checks, then that it was a matter of a heart problem and then of a respiratory problem, i.e. pneumonia (curiously, a few minutes before the Pope had spoken at the general audience without symptoms of fever, without coughing, without clearing his throat: a very strange pneumonia).

An entire catalog of nosology was applied to poor Francesco. And the worst thing is that, according to rumors in private circles, the problem is yet another: intestinal obstruction, which is predictable given the terminal state of his illness. But we shouldn't be surprised: when you put recommended and cronies in government posts, this is what you get. The worst thing is that the poor skills of the leaders of the Holy See's press office are matched by those of most of the leaders of the main government offices of the Church. Any resemblance to Peronist practices is, of course, purely coincidental.

When Pope Francis dies, because he will die like every child of Adam, there will be a conclave, and in this regard there is information, disclosed last week, which in our opinion has not been sufficiently taken into consideration by analysts, but now assumes particular importance.

On 23 March, the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), which is the European Bishops' Conference, elected Monsignor Mariano Crociata, bishop of Latina, as the new president. The interesting thing is that this Italian bishop succeeds the progressive, Bergoglian and Jesuit Cardinal Hollerich, archbishop of Luxembourg. The appointment of the new president has not been well received in Santa Marta, and that is understandable. Crociata had been appointed secretary of the Italian Bishops' Conference by Benedict XVI, a preliminary step to the cardinalate. Bergoglio, however, removed him and left him with the sole task of taking care of his modest headquarters. Crociata is also a close friend of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, another of the cardinals detested by the Argentine pontiff. In short, Crociata is an early Ratzingerian. So, as you can see,

I think this is not a secondary fact. Even in very progressive circles, such as the European episcopate in general, Bergoglians are now being pushed out to place conservative bishops in leadership positions.

Perhaps this is – I believe it will be – the trend of the next conclave. Institutions have their own survival instinct.


Original title: The elusive health of Pope Francis

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

“The Correct Meaning of Obedience to the Pope“

By Bishop Athanasius Schneider

The holy Church is first and most deeply a Divine institution, and she is a mystery in its supernatural meaning. Secondly, it has also the human and visible reality, the visible members and the hierarchy (Pope, bishop, priest).

When Mother Church is going through one of the deepest crises in her history, as she is in our time, where the crisis touches all levels of the Church’s life to a frightening extent, Divine Providence is calling us to love our Mother Church, who is humiliated and mocked not in first place by her enemies, but from within by her shepherds. We are called to help our Mother Church, each of us in his place, to help her for a true renewal through our own fidelity to the immutable integrity of the Catholic faith, through our fidelity to the constant beauty and sacredness of her liturgy, the liturgy of all ages, through our intense spiritual life in union with Christ, and through acts of love and charity.

The mystery of the Church is greater than just the Pope or the bishop. Sometimes popes and bishops did harm to the Church, but at the same time God used other instruments, often the simple faithful, simple priests, or a few bishops, to restore the holiness of faith and life within the Church.

To be faithful to the Church does not mean to obey interiorly all words and acts of a Pope or a bishop, since the Pope or a bishop are not identical to the entire Church. And if a Pope or a bishop supports a way which damages the integrity of the faith and the liturgy, then one is in no way obliged to follow him interiorly, because we have to follow the Faith and the norms of the Church of all ages, of the apostles and the saints.

The Catholic Church is the one and only Church which Christ founded, and it is the express will of God that all men should become members of His one Church, members of the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church is not the private property of a Pope; rather, he is only the vicar, the servant, of Christ. Therefore, one cannot make becoming a full Catholic dependent on the behavior of a particular Pope. One has surely to obey the Pope when he proposes infallibly the truth of Christ, when he speaks ex cathedra, which is very rare. We have to obey the Pope when he orders us to obey the laws and commandments of God, [and] when he makes administrative and jurisdictional decisions (appointments, indulgences, etc.). If, however, a Pope creates confusion and ambiguity regarding the integrity of the Catholic faith and the sacred liturgy, then one must not obey him, and one must obey the Church of all ages and the Popes who, over two millennia, were teaching constantly and clearly all the Catholic truths in the same sense. And these Catholic truths we find expressed in the Catechism. One has to obey the Catechism and the liturgy of all ages, which the saints and our forefathers followed.

Along with other reflections there is presented in the following lines a short summary of Prof. Roberto de Mattei’s masterly talk, “Obedience and Resistance in the History of the Church,” given at Rome Life Forum, 18 May 2018.

It is a false obedience when a person divinizes men who represent authority in the Church (Pope or bishop), when this person accepts orders and consents to affirmations of his superiors, which evidently harm and weaken the clarity and integrity of the Catholic faith.

Obedience has a foundation, a purpose, conditions, and limits. Only God has no limits: He is immense, infinite, eternal. Every creature is limited, and that limit defines his essence. Therefore, neither unlimited authority, nor unlimited obedience, exists on earth. Authority is defined by its limits, and obedience is also defined by its limits. Awareness of these limits leads to perfection in the exercise of authority and perfection in the exercise of obedience. The insuperable limit of authority is respect for the divine law of the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith, and respect for this divine law of the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith is also the insuperable limit of obedience.

Saint Thomas poses the question, “Are subjects bound to obey their superiors in all things?” (Summa theologica, II-IIae, q. 104, a. 5); his answer is negative. As he explains, the reasons why a subject cannot be bound to obey its superior in all things are twofold. Firstly: because of a command from a higher authority, given that the hierarchy of authorities must be respected. Secondly: if a superior commands a subject to do unlawful things, for example, when children are not bound to obey their parents in the matter of contracting a marriage, preserving virginity, or similar matters. Saint Thomas concludes: “Man is subject to God absolutely, and in all things, internal and external: he is therefore bound to obey God in all things. However, subjects are not bound to obey their superiors in all things, but in certain things only. (…) Hence one can distinguish three types of obedience: the first, being sufficient for salvation, obeys in obligatory matters only; the second, being perfect, obeys in all lawful things; the third, being disordered, obeys in unlawful matters also” (Summa theologica, II-IIae, q. 104, a. 3).

Obedience is not blind or unconditional but has limits. Where there is sin, mortal or otherwise, we have not merely a right, but a duty to disobey. This also applies in circumstances where one is commanded to do something harmful to the integrity of the Catholic faith or the sacredness of the liturgy. History has demonstrated that a bishop, an episcopal conference, a Council, [and] even a Pope pronounced errors in their non-infallible Magisterium. What, in such circumstances, should the faithful do? In his various works, Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches that, where the faith is at risk, it is lawful, even proper, to resist a papal decision publicly, as did Saint Paul to Saint Peter, the first Pope. Indeed, “Saint Paul, who was subject to Saint Peter, publicly rebuked him because of an imminent risk of scandal in a matter of faith. And Saint Augustine commented, “Even Saint Peter set an example so that those who governed, but on occasion strayed from the right path, should not refuse as improper a correction, even if originating from their subjects” (ad Galatians 2, 14)” (Summa theologica, II-II, q. 33, a. 4, ad 2).

Saint Paul’s resistance was manifested as a public correction of Saint Peter, the first Pope. Saint Thomas devotes an entire question to fraternal correction in the Summa. Fraternal correction can also be directed by subjects to their superiors, and by the laity against prelates. “Since however a virtuous act needs to be moderated by due circumstances, it follows that when a subject corrects his superior, he ought to do so in a becoming manner, not with impudence and harshness, but with gentleness and respect” (Summa theologica, II-II, q. 33, a. 4, ad 3). If there is a danger to the faith, subjects are bound to rebuke their prelates, including the Pope, even publicly: “Therefore, due to the risk of scandal in the faith, Paul, who was in fact subject to Peter, rebuked him publicly” (ibidem).

The person and the office of the Pope has its meaning in being only the Vicar of Christ, an instrument and not an end, and as such, this meaning must be used, if we do not want to turn the relationship between the means and the end upside down. It is important to underline this at a time where, especially among the most devoted Catholics, there is a lot of confusion in this regard. And also, obedience to the Pope or to the bishop is an instrument, not an end.

The Roman Pontiff has full and immediate authority over all the faithful, and there is no authority on earth superior to him, but he cannot, either by erroneous or by ambiguous statements, change and weaken the integrity of the Catholic faith, the divine constitution of the Church, or the constant tradition of the sacredness and the sacrificial character of the liturgy of the Holy Mass. If this happens, there is the legitimate possibility and duty of the bishops and even of the lay faithful not only to present private and public appeals and proposals of doctrinal corrections, but also to act in “disobedience” of a Papal order which changes or weakens the integrity of the faith, the Divine Constitution of the Church and the liturgy. This is a very rare, but possible, circumstance which does not violate, but confirms, the rule of devotion and obedience to the Pope who is called to confirm the faith of his brothers. Such prayers, appeals, proposals of doctrinal corrections, and a so-called “disobedience” are, on the contrary, an expression of love for the Supreme Pontiff in order to help him to convert from his dangerous behavior of neglecting his primary duty to confirm the entire Church unambiguously and vigorously in the faith.

One must recall also what the First Vatican Council taught: “The Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles” (First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor aeternus, chap. 4).

For the last few centuries, a legal positivism prevails in the life of the Church, combined with a kind of papolatry. Such an attitude aims at reducing the exterior orders of the superior and the law to a mere instrument in the hands of those who hold power, forgetting the metaphysical and moral foundation of the law itself. From this legalist standpoint, which now permeates the Church, that which the authority promulgates is always just.

Traditional spiritual treatises teach us how to obey the Church and the Pope, or the bishop. However, those refer to the times of normality, when the Pope and the bishops valiantly and unambiguously defended and protected the integrity of the faith and the liturgy. We are living now, obviously, in the exceptional time of a global crisis of the faith at all levels of the Church. A Catholic faithful has to recognize the supreme authority of the Pope, and his universal governance. However, we know that, in the exercise of his authority, the Pope may commit abuses of authority to the evident detriment of the Catholic faith and the sacredness of the liturgy of the Holy Mass, as has unfortunately occurred in history. We wish to obey the Pope: all Popes, including the current Pope, but if, in the teaching of any Pope, we find an evident contradiction, our rule of judgment follows the bi-millenary tradition of the Church, i.e., the constant teaching of the Popes throughout millennia and centuries.

According to Father Enrico Zoffoli, the worst evils of the Church do not originate from the malice of the world, interference, or persecution of the laity by other religions, but above all from the human elements which make up the Mystical Body: the laity and the clergy. “It is the disharmony produced by insubordination of the laity to the work of the clergy and of the clergy to the will of Christ” (Potere e obbedienza nella Chiesa, Milano 1996, p. 67):

To the authority of a Pope or a bishop which exceeds the limits of the divine law of the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith, one must mount firm resistance, which may become public. This is the heroism of our time, the gravest path to sanctity today. To become saints means doing the will of God; doing the will of God means obeying His law always, in particular, when this is difficult or when this places us in conflict with men, who, though as legitimate representatives of His authority on earth (Pope, bishop), are, unfortunately, spreading errors or weakening the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith.

Such moments are very rare in the history of the Church, yet they have happened, as it is evident in the sight of all, in our time also.

Many, in the course of history, have manifested heroic behavior, resisting the unjust laws of the political authority. Greater still is the heroism of those who have resisted the imposition by the ecclesiastical authority of doctrines which diverge from the constant Tradition of the Faith and the Liturgy of the Church. Filial, devout, respectful resistance does not lead to departure from the Church but multiplies love for the Church, for God, for His Truth, because God is the foundation of every authority and every act of obedience.

Because of the love for the Papal ministry, the honor of the Apostolic See and the person of the Roman Pontiff some saints, e.g. Saint Bridget of Sweden and Saint Catherine of Siena, did not shy from admonishing the Popes, sometimes even in somewhat strong terms, as we can see St. Bridget reporting the following words of the Lord, addressed to Pope Gregory XI: “Start to reform the church that I purchased with my own blood in order that it may be reformed and led back spiritually to its pristine state of holiness. If you do not obey this my will, then you can be quite sure that you are going to be condemned by me before all my heavenly court with the same kind of sentence and spiritual justice with which one condemns and punishes a worldly prelate who is to be stripped of his rank. He is publicly divested of his sacred, pontifical garb, defeated, and accursed. This is what I will do to you. I shall send you away from the glory of heaven. However, Gregory, my son, I admonish you again to convert to me with humility. Heed my counsel” (Book of Revelations, 4, 142).

St. Catherine of Siena, a Doctor of the Church, addressed the following blunt admonition to Pope Gregory XI, demanding that he vigorously reform the Church or, if he should fail to do it, renounce the papacy: “Most holy and sweet father, your poor unworthy daughter Catherine in Christ sweet Jesus, commends herself to you in His Precious Blood. Divine Truth demands that you execute justice on the abundance of many iniquities committed by those who are fed and pastured in the garden of Holy Church. Since He has given you authority and you have assumed it, you should use your virtue and power; and if you are not willing to use it, it would be better for you to resign what you have assumed; more honor to God and health to your soul would it be.”

When those in authority in the Church (Pope, bishops), as it is the case in our time, fail to fulfill faithfully their duty to keep and defend the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith and the liturgy, God calls the subordinates, often the little and simple ones in the Church, to compensate for the defects of the superiors, by means of appeals, proposals of correction, and, most powerfully, by means of vicarious sacrifices and prayers.

During the deep crisis of the Church in the fifteenth century, where the high clergy often gave a bad example and failed grievously in their pastoral duties, Nicholas Cardinal of Cusa (1401-1464) was deeply moved by a dream in which he was shown that spiritual reality of the power of self-offering, prayer, and the vicarious sacrifice. He saw in a dream the following scene: More than a thousand nuns were praying in the little church. They were not kneeling but standing. They stood with open arms, palms facing upwards in a gesture of offering. In the hands of a thin, young, almost child-like nun, Nicholas saw the Pope. You could see how heavy this load was for her, but her face was radiating a joyful gleam. This attitude we should emulate.

Legal positivism vs. Faith

A common disease among even good Catholics, cardinals, bishops and priests included, is that a command or law imposed by one’s superior is necessarily always good, just and, therefore, must be obeyed. This is sheer legal positivism at work. It is a practical manifestation of “might makes right,” that the lawgiver by merely enacting a law makes the object of his law a good and virtuous thing aligned with justice and the common good of his subjects.”

Read the rest:

Friday, March 24, 2023

My latest column: “Unity is Truth and Truth Unity”

March 23, 2023


Throughout the year on Friday each week the Church commemorates the Passion of the Lord by means of abstention from the eating of flesh meat. The giving of His Flesh and Blood on the cross unto death for the salvation of the world is remembered thus by personal penance and self-denial. Not easy in a summer full of Friday barbecues. But all the more significant for that reason. Prayer, too, is recommended by means of meditation on the Stations of the Cross.

During the holiest penitential season of the entire liturgical year, in Lent, the Church imposes Friday abstinence as a grave obligation. Hence if we knowingly break the law, we must confess it. Many parishes host a public praying of the Stations in a communal manner also on the Fridays of Lent. These customs are meant to help us all year. Extending them beyond Lent reinforces Catholic identity and strengthens our faith.

At the spiritual heart of Lent is the meditation on the Passion of the Lord. Art of various means can aid us in better immersing ourselves again in the Lord’s suffering and death. The constant presence of the crucifix in our homes and churches is our primary communal expression of the reality of the Cross. More thoroughly appropriating a sense of the personal love of the Lord for each of us expressed thereby is a life’s work. There is no better opportunity for growing in this aspect of our Faith than Lent, when so many graces are available as we journey toward Easter, which would never have happened without Good Friday.

I recently rewatched the Zeffirelli film Jesus of Nazareth. I remember being impressed as a seminarian with, for the most part, its faithfulness to Scripture. Back then one had to check the TV guide to catch it. Now it’s available on YouTube. No longer needed is a conventional television for this or any other film. I watched it on an Amazon fire tablet.

I take note now of the various accents, gathering together as the film does a variety of A-list actors from places like England, the U.S., and Italy. It has inaccuracies, such as the depiction of a bar mitzvah for our Lord as a youth. Such did not begin to occur until centuries later. Zeffirelli believed the lack of such would make it hard for Jews to relate to the film. We see here an example of the ways in which art is sacrificed for the sake of mass appeal. That aside, the film is quite well done. It achieved a massive audience when first broadcast as a miniseries in the 1970s.

Seeing the world through another’s eyes is always difficult. Understanding the life and death of the God-man is more than Herculean by comparison. In our love for Him, and the holy faith by which He saves our souls, we seek to grow nonetheless in His friendship. Accompanying the Savior by spiritually walking once again in His footsteps is the primary means of aiding us in our love of Him and accepting the graces He offers thereby. “The Father and I are one,” He tells us. When we see the Lord we see the Father, the God who began to reveal Himself by means of revelation to the Jewish people, and in the fullness of time, in Christ.

Read the rest:

“The Vatican Agrees with Radical Traditionalists“

From “The National Review”! If you want to remain Catholic do not follow the new religion being founded by Cardinal Roche, whatever it is. The Catholic Faith is of Christ, “the same yesterday, today and tomorrow”, so whatever it is he’s promoting, it’s not Catholic.

In the Catholic Tradition we have all we need to be saved. Period. End of story.

The Vatican Agrees with Radical Traditionalists

Archbishop Arthur Roche speaks to Reuters in an interview in Vatican City, August 27, 2022. (Remo Casilli/Reuters)

In a stunning interview, Cardinal Archbishop Arthur Roche, the man the Vatican has placed in charge of extinguishing the Traditional Latin Mass that Benedict XVI in 2007 had widely permitted, admitted in an interview with the BBC that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his radical traditionalist followers are right — that the faith once delivered to the saints has been abolished and substituted by the Church in the 1960s.

“The theology of the Church has changed,” argued Roche. “Whereas before the priest represented, at a distance, all the people — they were channeled through this person who alone was celebrating the Mass.” Now, however, Roche stated that “it is not only the priest who celebrates the liturgy but also those who are baptized with him, and that is an enormous statement to make.”

“Roche is of course misstating the old theology. The priest celebrates the Mass not as a representative of all the people, but in persona Christi. All present at Mass assist him in doing so. All talk of distance is a silly slander.”

Read the rest here:

And remember well what Saint Paul taught in Galatians 1:8:

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed.”

That’s Scripture & Tradition, the revelation by which we are saved. There is nothing else.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Spiritual Resurrection of the Sinner


Jesus said, “Young man, I say to thee, arise!” And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And He gave him to his mother.

—Gospel: St. Luke 7:14-16


      Jesus encounters a funeral procession in Naim. A young man is being buried, the only son of a widow. A numerous crowd is accompanying this weeping woman to the place of burial of her child.

     As St. Ambrose explains, this woman is the image of the Church who weeps for all the souls that live far from God. But the Church does not content herself with weeping. She constantly addresses ardent supplications to Heaven for the unfaithful Christians who, by indifference, by pride or by the draw of the passions, are walking the path to perdition and are going from the spiritual death of their soul toward eternal death.

     The crowd which accompanies this woman represents the whole of the faithful who share in the prayers of the Church. These ardent prayers touch the heart of Jesus. He says to the woman of Naim, “Weep not.” Then He says to the young man, “I say to thee, arise!” And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And He gave him to his mother.

     Today, Jesus very often renews this miracle of the resurrection of the child of the Gospel. As St. Augustine emphasizes, just as “this mother is full of joy at the resurrection of her child, likewise the Church, our mother, rejoices at the men who rise again spiritually every day in her bosom.”

     O Jesus, I want to unite my prayer and my sacrifices to Thine own, so that all those who need to rise again to true life might hear Thy voice. May they arise to obtain resurrection through the sacrament of penance! Then I will be able to cry out, in turn, with the inhabitants of Naim, “God hath visited His people!” (Lk. 7:16).


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Bishop Schneider: Complying with Latin Mass restrictions is ‘false obedience’

Featured Image
Bishop Schneider distributing Holy Communion at the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest's parish in PittsburghScreenshot/Twitter

0:00 / 6:44

(LifeSiteNews) –– Bishop Athanasius Schneider — the auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan — has encouraged priests and Catholics to continue their devotion to the traditional Mass despite any restrictions, since to comply with restricting the Mass would be “a false obedience” that would harm souls.

Bishop Schneider made his comments during the question-and-answer session, which forms part of the monthly meeting held by the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima. He fielded a number of questions on the state of the traditional Mass after the regular release of fresh restrictions placed on it by Pope Francis since July 2021.

“The Pope has not the power to abolish the traditional Mass,” said Schneider, explaining that this is “because it is a property, a treasure of the entire Church, from all the saints, the Church of all ages.”

Highlighting how the traditional Mass was not born out of the Council of Trent, as is often argued, but rather predates it, Schneider pointed to the history of the Church’s traditional liturgy.

Because of the very venerable age and constant perennial use of this order of Mass by so many saints and generations of Catholics, and of almost all Catholic nations, the Pope has no power to simply abolish this. [Just as] as the Pope would not have the power to abolish the Apostolic creed and to substitute the apostolic creed with a new formula, and to prohibit at the same time the use of the apostolic creed. The same can apply to the order of Mass: this is a formula of venerable old use.

In response to whether a priest has the power to continue to offer the traditional Mass despite the issuing of the numerous restrictions on it, Bishop Schneider answered that a priest can in fact do so in “good conscience.”

Read the rest: