Thursday, December 30, 2021

There were 3,115 real Marines remaining and they will probably be kicked out


Alert — Marine Commanders have rejected all 3,115 requests for religious exemption…

Posted by Kane on December 30, 2021 6:12 pm



Marine Commanders have rejected 100% of the 3,115 requests for religious exemption.


That’s right, zero exemptions have been granted.


To date, more than 200 Marines have been removed for refusing to comply and that number will only grow. Overall, 94 percent of the more than 182,000 active-duty Marines are fully vaccinated.


Several Marines who refuse to get the shot were granted anonymity by Fox News, so they could speak freely. They said they are witnessing a “political purge” that is forcing out the military’s “best and brightest” over deeply held beliefs they say are protected by the First Amendment.


“There’s something fundamentally wrong at this point with our nation’s leadership,” said a major with more than 17 years of active service. “We are facing an unconstitutional edict that I think is very targeted as a political purge, taking out some of the best and brightest soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and guardians from the Space Force.”


A lieutenant colonel with 19 years of active service said the Marine Corps is discharging service members “as fast as they can and as brutally as they can, damaging every Marine as much as they can on the way out.”

Read the rest:

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The doom of the new Mass

By working through his appointees to ban the traditional Latin Mass the pope will, far from prolonging the life of the Vatican II Mass as he desires, by default through imposing it upon the Church, rather seal its doom as it becomes associated thereby with the heresy of giving Communion to adulterers (a la Amoris Laetitia), promoting LGBTQ activity (a la audience with James Martin), look the other way on abortion (smiling audiences without comment with Biden and Pelosi), paganism and idolatry (pachamama bowl on altar in St Peter’s, Rome) redefining marriage and supporting the unnatural mutilation of transgender (see Martin again).

Consider the question this way: what is the unity that the ancient Mass supposedly threatens and for which reason it must be eliminated according to those currently in power?  Certainly not unity in Christ: the liturgy is divinely revealed by Christ, ever flows from Him, reveals Him, and leads to Him. The liturgy which itself reveals Christ cannot ever threaten unity in Christ.

No, it is the advance of and false “unity” around the non-Catholic and evil agenda of the Antichrist that the ancient liturgy threatens. That is all.

There can be no Catholic unity around falsehood, sacrilege and immorality, that is to say, sin. Unity is possible only centered in Christ through grace, and the truth, beauty and goodness found infinitely and eternally in Him alone.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My latest column: “Friendship Born of Providential Encounter”

December 23, 2021


It was a chance meeting that perhaps could change a life. I wandered nonchalantly into an antiques store on a beautiful December day, my first ever in Savannah. After a post-Mass early morning bike ride to get the general lay of the metropolis, I was back out on foot, walking north from Forsyth Park toward the riverfront by means of Bull Street. It was close to noon and after checking out of my Airbnb.

One of the grand homes on one of the beautiful squares of the city shelters on its ground level a curiosity shop. Marked by the “antiques” sign, it is the kind of emporium filled with refined items that even before one enters instill confidence that there will be browsing only. This enterprise is the sort that caters to the wealthy capable of furnishing the stately urban dwellings surrounding it for miles, or the well-heeled visitor entered elsewhere upon a like mission to preserve the best arts of the past in a suitable surrounding.

I immediately encountered the proprietor, who welcomed me to browse. We began to chat and I quickly found her to be of greater interest than the beckoning displays of beautiful, glittering, and costly merchandise. We began to talk about the higher things, with both of us revealing more about our lives. She and her husband, now octogenarians, had years ago home-schooled their six children, long before it had become the common alternative it is today. He retired from his work to join her in the effort full-time.

By birth a non-Catholic, she had accepted Baptism along with one of her children early in her marriage to Michael, an Italian Catholic from New Jersey. She was motivated to convert in part because she didn’t want to be one of those “with nose pressed to the glass viewing the life from outside.” At one point she and Michael packed up about 40 pieces of luggage and took their children for an extended stay in Florence as one phase of their education.

It was for this and other reasons that what she described was the intense and fulfilling experience that only a life involving both mother and father full time can be. After the children were grown, the father asked that none of them move more distant than a couple of hours away. Today the farthest one is in Jacksonville, not far off the paternally desired brief travel time.

Read the rest:

Monday, December 27, 2021

Please pray for Lloyd

Husband and father of four boys suffering a fever for over a week now with low pulse and may need hospitalization.

He has received last rites and viatecum.

Thank you,

Dietrich Von Hildebrand on Vatican II: a 'Great Misfortune'

 Written by  By Michael Davies, RIP 

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Dietrich von HildebrandDietrich von Hildebrand

Reprinted from The Remnant 2004...

The following letter from Dietrich Von Hildebrand, who was described by Pope Pius XII as the 20th century Doctor of the Church, is not without interest in view of the recent critiques appearing in The Remnant of the article "Why Vatican II was Necessary", which appeared in the March 2004 issue of Crisis magazine. 

In view of my almost totally negative attitude to the Council set out in my book Pope John’s Council, I felt very uneasy some years ago when reading certain enthusiastic remarks concerning Vatican II in Dietrich Von Hildebrand’s Trojan Horse in the City of God. Compared with Dr. Von Hildebrand I am an intellectual pygmy, and I wrote to him explaining the fact that I was very unhappy about our disagreement, particularly with regard to such instances as his praise for the official documents and "the greatness of the Second Vatican Council" found on page 1 of his book. He replied as follows in a letter, dated 22 April 1976:

Dear Friend in Christ:

I was delighted in reading your letter to Bishop Donohue of Fresno in "The Remnant." This letter is a masterpiece. The repetition of "My Lord" is delightful. Thank you for writing it.

I was very pleased about your words concerning my position toward the documents of Vatican Council II. I consider the Council—notwithstanding the fact that it brought some ameliorations—as a great misfortune. And I stress time and again in lectures and articles that fortunately no word of the Council—unless it is a repetition of former definitions de fide—is binding de fide. We need not approve; on the contrary we should disapprove. Unfortunately Maritain said in his last book: the two great manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our times are Vatican Council II and the foundation of the state of Israel.

I read the chapter of your book and I am completely satisfied. Hoping to meet you some day, I am united with you in caritate Christi and in the fight against Modernism.

Yours affectionately,

Dietrich von Hildebrand


So that readers may have the benefit of placing all this in context, I’m including the original letter from Bishop Donohue and my response to him, which was published in the 1976 issues of The Remnant. Perhaps the exchange will serve to illustrate anew that the more things change the more they stay the same.


Diocese of Fresno

Chancery Office

1550 North Fresno St.

Fresno, CA

Dear Monsignor/Father:

It has come to my attention that the Tridentine Mass has been more common in the Diocese of Fresno than I had reason to suspect.

I wish you to make it a matter of conscience to discover if such a Mass is being celebrated in any hall, house or wherever within the confines of your parish.

If so, I wish you to definitely confront the priest if possible and tell him he has no faculties of permission in this Diocese to offer any Mass. If any of his followers are present tell them that the Mass is gravely illicit and that they are gravely sinning through destroying the unity of Faith by their disobedience.

If such a practice continues I will be forced to use the ultimate decision of declaring them contumacious and excommunicated.

Sincerely in Christ,

Hugh A. Donohoe, Bishop of Fresno


Open Letter to Bishop Donohoe


Most Rev. Hugh A. Donohoe, Bishop of Fresno, California

February 23, 1976

My Lord Bishop:

A friend who lives in your diocese has sent me a copy of your letter (see Remnant, March 6th, for full text) stating that you are prepared to declare that priests who celebrate, and the faithful who attend, the Tridentine Mass are ‘contumacious’ and will be ‘excommunicated’. We had begun to believe that, in the era of the “spirit of Vatican II,” no one could be excommunicated; but now we know: there is one crime in the “open Church” that will not be tolerated, at least in the Diocese of Fresno, the crime of worshipping as our forebears worshipped; the crime of using that form of Mass which Fr. Fortescue, the greatest liturgist historian of my own country, tells us ‘goes back without essential change to the age when it first developed out of the oldest liturgy of all. It is still redolent of that liturgy of the days when Caesar ruled the world and thought he could stamp out the faith of Christ, when our fathers met before dawn to sing a hymn to Christ as God”.

Clearly, my Lord, you think that you can succeed where Caesar could not.

Crammer too thought he could stamp out the traditional Mass. When he replaced it with a new English Communion Service in 1549, the peasants of the west rose up against him and demanded the right to worship once more with the same Latin Mass that their fathers had used. I would suggest, my Lord, that if you study Crammer’s methods you could improve upon excommunication. Priests were hung from the church towers in their Mass vestments for the very act for which you now threaten to excommunicate them; humble peasants were hung in the hundreds because they assisted at the Mass which you, like Cranmer, condemn as “gravely illicit”. But Cranmer could not stamp out the traditional Mass – and you think that you can succeed where he failed.

With the reign of Elizabeth came the rack, the hanging, the drawing and quartering – but the reply of the faithful was always the same: “We will have the Mass.” And the Mass they would have was the one codified by Pope Pius V in 1570, but not a new form of Mass like that promulgated in 1969, but the Mass of the ages codified, as Pope St. Pius V intended, for all eternity. No priest could ever be made to say any other form of Mass, he insisted. But now if a priest uses that Mass in the diocese of Fresno, he will be “excommunicated”.

My Lord, forgive me if I seem impertinent, but in my country we have a great devotion to our martyrs; we also know our history. When I read your letter, I could not believe that it was not written by an English bishop of the sixteenth century. “I wish you to make it a matter of conscience to discover if such a Mass if being celebrated in any hall, house, or wherever within the confines of your parish”. Those are your exact words.

My Lord, have you no more urgent business to employ your priests upon? Have you, for example, ordered them, as a matter of conscience, to go into their parish schools to discover whether the faith of the children, for whom you are responsible before God, is being corrupted by inadequate or even heretical textbooks? Have you ordered your priests to discover, as a matter of conscience, whether secularist-humanist sex-education programmes are being used to corrupt the morals of the children in any of your parochial schools? Have you, my Lord, as a matter of conscience, ever attempted to discover whether what few liturgical laws remain are being flouted in your diocese – is Communion being given in the hand? Are unauthorized Eucharistic prayers being used? If you discovered such abuses, would you excommunicate those involved? I wonder…

I am quite certain, my Lord, that in a spirit of ecumenism, you would not only NOT excommunicate members of your diocese who take part in Protestant services, but probably encourage them to do so. Can you see no incongruity? You must surely be aware that the Secretariat of Christian Unity issued an Ecumenical Directory in 1967. This Directory not only authorized Catholics to take part in the liturgy of the Orthodox Church on Sundays, but said that this satisfies their Sunday Mass obligation. Yes, my Lord, to take part in the worship of schismatics fulfills our Sunday obligation, but to worship in the manner which has inspired so many saints and has been sanctified by the blood of martyrs – this must be punished by excommunication.

My Lord, unless your diocese is unique in the western world, the introduction of the new Mass for pastoral reasons will have been followed by a serious decline in Mass attendance. Thousands of your flock, who assisted at Mass each Sunday before, no longer do so – but they will not be excommunicated. Oh no, my Lord. Better no Mass at all than the Mass of our fathers.

And please, my Lord, do not say that you have no alternative. Do not say that you are only obeying orders. One thing which has become clear since Vatican II is that the clergy in general and the Bishops in particular take the laity for fools. Not all the clergy, of course. There are some who are determined to remain true to the Faith into which they were baptized and to the Mass which they were ordained to offer. Fr. Henri Bruckberger to mention but one, has written: “Do our Bishops take us for idiots? We are as familiar with the relevant documents as they are. We know that the new Mass has simply been authorized and has not been made mandatory”. Fr. Bruckburger was Chaplain General to the French Resistance, my Lord. He has had ample experience with men who were only obeying orders. I would also remind you, my Lord, that here in England the Tridentine Mass is not absolutely prohibited. It is, of course, celebrated all over the country, in houses and halls, whether the bishops like it or not – but it is also celebrated on occasions in churches and in Cathedrals, with their blessing, and, I might add, with the full knowledge and consent of Pope Paul VI. What is permitted in Britain could certainly be permitted in the United States.

My Lord, once more without wishing to be impertinent, I would ask you whether you are really clear as to what the word “pastor” means. If you have not forgotten the Parable of the Good Shepherd, you will remember that in the east a shepherd leads his sheep; he not only leads them, but he loves them; and because he loves them he leads them to green pastures. My Lord, because some of your flock wish to take their spiritual refreshment from the pastures they have always known and loved, you threaten to cast them out from the sheepfold. My Lord, this is not the action of a good shepherd but a bad bureaucrat, a man who believes that the reason for our existence is to be made to obey regulations and that his vocation is to use any means to ensure that this is done.

My Lord, do the basic principles of moral theology no longer apply in the renewed Church? You will certainly have been taught as a seminary student that a legislator should not simply refrain from demanding something his subjects will find impossible to carry out, but that his laws should not be too difficult, too distressing or too disagreeable, and should take account of human frailty. A law can cease to bind without revocation on the part of the legislator when it is clearly harmful, impossible, or irrational. If forbidding faithful Catholics to honour God by worshipping Him in the most venerable and hallowed rite in Christendom does not meet these conditions, it would be hard to imagine anything that did. For a Catholic to contemplate disobedience to his bishop is a terrible thing, but Fr. Bruckberger has reminded us of Montesquiew’s dictum: “When one wants only good slaves one ends up with only bad subjects.”

My Lord, as a postscript to your letter, you add a suggested petition on behalf of the Jews in Syria, a petition to be used on March 14 in the parishes of your diocese. Might I suggest a similar petition which Catholics elsewhere could use – for, after all, charity begins at home. “That there be an alleviation of the suffering experienced by the Catholics living in the Diocese of Fresno and that they may be free to worship God according to the traditions of their fathers as they desire, let us pray to the Lord.”

I remain, my Lord Bishop, Yours in Domino,

Michael Davies

London, England

Source: The Remnant

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Saint Stephen’s Day


From the Sermons of St. Fulgentius, Bishop of Ruspe.

On St. Stephen
Yesterday we were celebrating the birth in time of our Eternal King; today we celebrate the victory, through suffering, of one of His soldiers. Yesterday our King was pleased to come forth from His royal palace of the Virgin's womb, clothed in a robe of flesh, to visit the world; today His soldier, laying aside the tabernacle of the body, entereth in triumph into the heavenly palaces. The One, preserving unchanged that glory of the Godhead which He had before the world was, girded Himself with the form of a servant, and entered the arena of this world to fight sin; the other taketh off the garments of this corruptible body, and entereth into the heavenly mansions, where he will reign for ever. The One cometh down, veiled in flesh; the other goeth up, clothed in a robe of glory, red with blood.

The One cometh down amid the jubilation of angels; the other goeth up amid the stoning of the Jews. Yesterday the holy angels were singing, Glory to God in the highest; today there is joy among them, for they receive Stephen into their company. Yesterday the Lord came forth from the Virgin's womb; today His soldier is delivered from the prison of the body. Yesterday Christ was for our sakes wrapped in swaddling bands; today He girdeth Stephen with a robe of immortality. Yesterday the new-born Christ lay in a narrow manger; today Stephen entereth victorious into the boundless heavens. The Lord came down alone that He might raise many up; our King humbled Himself that He might set His soldiers in high places.

Merry Christmas: “Verbum caro factum est”

 “… et habitavit in nobis.”

Christmas High Mass at Midnight, Saint Francis de Sales Church, Benedict, Maryland

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Pope excoriates Curia according to his Christmas “tradition” : “Spiritual worldliness” cloaked by “doctrine”

The pope spoke to the Roman Curia this week according to Christmas custom and in his comments made some curious remarks.

He cautioned, as he has in the past, against the dangers of “a spiritual worldliness” which he said is, like many other temptations, “hard to unmask, for it is concealed by everything that usually reassures us: our role, the liturgy, doctrine, religious devotion.” (source: Crux)

Doctrine doesn’t conceal anything whatsoever. Quite the opposite. Doctrine does not conceal, it rather reveals. Doctrine reveals and makes plain for us the truth in Christ that is necessary for our salvation.

Liturgy is also a curious inclusion with doctrine in such a grouping. Liturgy is divinely revealed through which Christ speaks and comes to us. We must be attached to liturgy as to Christ Himself.

Very curious and confusing comments indeed. From a pope they are dangerous,


Monday, December 20, 2021

Correction: Canon 1373 was revised as of December 8

Canon 1373 was revised. The revised version was posted on June 1, 2021 and took effect on December 8, 2021. Here are the two versions:

Revised text:
Can. 1373
A person who publicly incites
hatred or animosity against the Apostolic See
or the Ordinary because of some act of
ecclesiastical office or duty, or who provokes
disobedience against them, is to be punished
by interdict or other just penalties.

Previous text:
Can. 1373 A person who publicly incites among
subjects animosities or hatred against the
Apostolic See or an ordinary because of some
act of power or ecclesiastical ministry or
provokes subjects to disobey them is to be
punished by an interdict or other just penalties.

The phrase “among subjects” was taken out with the result that the canon is broadened to also cover those who are not in authority. A reader suggests that the change may be crafted to take into account the public platforms available to bloggers and via social media which enable any individual with normal access to easily reach large numbers of people.

- Check out my latest column in The Wanderer Newspaper:

“Faith Vaccinates Against Pandemic of Fear”

“Behold all that fight against thee shall be confounded and ashamed, they shall be as nothing, and the men shall perish that strive against thee.“

The following Word of God proclaimed in the traditional Mass for today addresses well the consolation and strength the Lord promises those caught in the present battle for the Faith and the Church.

Isa 41:8-10
8 But thou Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend:
9 In whom I have taken thee from the ends of the earth, and from the remote parts thereof have called thee, and said to thee: Thou art my servant, I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.
10 Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of my just one hath upheld thee.
Behold all that fight against thee shall be confounded and ashamed, they shall be as nothing, and the men shall perish that strive against thee.
12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find the men that resist thee: they shall be as nothing: and as a thing consumed the men that war against thee.
13 For I am the Lord thy God, who take thee by the hand, and say to thee: Fear not, I have helped thee.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

What was handed down in the Holy Spirit by God’s representatives on earth as sacred, necessary and inviolable for 2000 years is now considered perishable product complete with an expiration date

The response to the dubia in regards to Traditionis Custodes were published today. Rome is determined to extinguish the prayer of saints and martyrs going back 2,000 years through tradition in an unbroken manner to Christ Himself: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

In the responses we read:

“There is no intention in these provisions to marginalise the faithful who are rooted in the previous form of celebration: they are only meant to remind them that this is a concession to provide for their good (in view of the common use of the one lex orandi of the Roman Rite) and not an opportunity to promote the previous rite.”

“There is no intention … to marginalize”: a protest too telling. It is incoherent to say what is for our good today cannot be so tomorrow. Faith builds only on reason and this is unreasonable.

Any concessions granted today, we are assured, are for our good but, like a perishable food product, the 2,000 year Mass suddenly has affixed to it an expiration date which may be assigned by the whim of a human being.

This will not last. The Mass will endure: in barns, basements, attics, fields, cellars, on rocks, in caves, dry and windswept deserts, ships, anywhere other than a church siezed by modernist heretics.

This battle God will win. The first adoration of Christ in history took place, after all, in a manger.

The above quote is from the following section of the dubia responses:

 The Supreme Pontiff Francis, in the course of an Audience granted to the Prefect of this Congregation on 18 November 2021, was informed of and gave his consent to the publication of these RESPONSA AD DUBIA with attached EXPLANATORY NOTES.          

 Traditionis custodes

Art. 3. Episcopus, in dioecesibus ubi adhuc unus vel plures coetus celebrant secundum Missale antecedens instaurationem anni 1970:


§ 2. statuat unum vel plures locos ubi fideles, qui his coetibus adhaerent, convenire possint ad Eucharistiam celebrandam (nec autem in ecclesiis paroecialibus nec novas paroecias personales erigens);       

“To the proposed question:

“When it is not possible to find a church, oratory or chapel which is available to accommodate the faithful who celebrate using the Missale Romanum (Editio typica 1962), can the diocesan Bishop ask the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments for a dispensation from the provision of the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes (Art. 3 § 2), and thus allow such a celebration in the parish church?

“The answer is:


“Explanatory note.

“The Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes in art. 3 § 2 requests that the Bishop, in dioceses where up to now there has been the presence of one or more groups celebrating according to the Missal prior to the reform of 1970, “designate one or more locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the Eucharistic celebration (not however in the parochial churches and without the erection of new personal parishes)”. The exclusion of the parish church is intended to affirm that the celebration of the Eucharist according to the previous rite, being a concession limited to these groups, is not part of the ordinary life of the parish community.

“This Congregation, exercising the authority of the Holy See in matters within its competence (cf. Traditionis custodes, n. 7), can grant, at the request of the diocesan Bishop, that the parish church be used to celebrate according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 only if it is established that it is impossible to use another church, oratory or chapel. The assessment of this impossibility must be made with the utmost care.

“Moreover, such a celebration should not be included in the parish Mass schedule, since it is attended only by the faithful who are members of the said group. Finally, it should not be held at the same time as the pastoral activities of the parish community. It is to be understood that when another venue becomes available, this permission will be withdrawn.

“There is no intention in these provisions to marginalise the faithful who are rooted in the previous form of celebration: they are only meant to remind them that this is a concession to provide for their good (in view of the common use of the one lex orandi of the Roman Rite) and not an opportunity to promote the previous rite.”

Link to the full document:

LGBTQ Lobby Has Already Triumphed at the Synod

Did you find yourself wondering what the “Synod on Synodality” was really all about? Well, now you need wonder no longer.

A link to a condemned LQBTQ dissent group in the US gained worldwide notoriety as the result of a devilishly clever marketing ploy in which the link existed, then didn’t exist, then was resurrected after a hue and cry of the LGBTQ lobby flexing their muscles on the internet.

This is the group that has the now (in)famous link on the Vatican’s “Synod on Synodality” website:

New Ways Ministry, founded in 1977 by Sister Jeannine Gramick and Father Robert Nugent, was repeatedly denied recognition as a Catholic organisation, the last time in 2010 by the then president of the US Bishops' Conference Francis George. And previously it was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who "permanently" forbade the two religious "any pastoral activity involving homosexuals". The Notification of May 31, 1999, signed by Ratzinger with the full approval of Pope John Paul II, is interesting in order to understand what the core of the problem is and what the nature and purpose of New Ways Ministry is.”

Full article here:

The Mystery of Iniquity: “… the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and will destroy with the brightness of His coming.”

Read out today for the Mass of Ember Saturday for Advent:

“… for the day of the Lord will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and is exalted above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sits in the temple of God and gives himself out as if he were God.”

The entire reading:

We beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together unto Him, not to be hastily shaken from your right mind, nor terrified, whether by spirit, or by utterance, or by letter attributed to us, as though the day of the Lord were near at hand. Let no one deceive you in any way, for the day of the Lord will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and is exalted above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sits in the temple of God and gives himself out as if he were God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I used to tell you these things? And now you know what restrains him, that he may be revealed in his proper time. For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; provided only that he who is at present restraining it, does still restrain, until he is gotten out of the way. And then the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and will destroy with the brightness of His coming.”

 2 Thess. 2:1-8

Thursday, December 16, 2021

My latest: “Faith Vaccinates Against Pandemic of Fear”

December 16, 2021


The occasion of a 50th jubilee wedding celebration was a cause for contemplating the courage of cooperation with God. Surrendering to His plan through openness to life, and raising eight children in the faith, would leave any person open to the possibility of fear. So many risks and unknowns. Yet today they are full of joy, a growing family still, enjoying the love that comes from openness to God’s plan which makes necessary the rejection of fear and selfishness.

The expressions both public and private of our faith are more intense at this time of year than any other.

Our weakness in the face of forces beyond our control can only be answered by surrender. Only one surrender brings good and not evil. God alone can give us the refuge we seek.

Christmas trees and crèches and messages of joy connected to God’s initiative of salvation in the Incarnation of our Lord dominate the landscape around us in December. Catholic iconography and holy images are freely adopted by many who do not share our faith. For a short while each year, all the world seems Catholic once again.
This boldness of proclamation seems to arouse hatred, or perhaps triggers mental illness. More than 100 incidents of vandalism have been reported since May 2020, according to the USCCB. Reminders of God are not welcomed by those who wish to deny death or escape judgment for unrepented sin. This clinging to sin is enabled by spiritual blindness, the handmaid of evil.

The latest target of malevolent rage was not a seasonal display, but rather a permanently installed Carrara marble statue of Our Lady of Fatima on the grounds of the National Shrine in Washington, D.C. A man hammered away at the face of our Lady’s image, shearing off the nose and sawing off her hands.

We are saddened by this manifestation of rage but must always forgive. He kept the hands; perhaps our Lady will teach him to put his hands together in loving submission to God through prayer by means of her own.

Read the rest:

Traditional Catholics Sound Alarm As Rome Suppresses Most Old Rite Sacraments

 They contend the Oct. 7 pastoral instruction forbidding six of the seven sacraments celebrated according to the extraordinary form is a violation of canon law and will cause spiritual harm.

Basilica of St. John Lateran, home to the Vicariate of Rome
Basilica of St. John Lateran, home to the Vicariate of Rome (photo: Edward Pentin)

ROME — Canon lawyers and experts in the traditional liturgy have warned that a pastoral instruction issued by the Diocese of Rome that bans traditional communities and priests from celebrating all the sacraments with the exception of the Eucharist according to the traditional form of the Roman Rite is unlawful and will harm souls if allowed to continue.

The guidelines, issued in an Oct. 7 lettersigned by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the Vicar of Rome, stated that in light of Pope Francis’ July 16 motu proprio Traditionis Custodes (Guardians of Tradition)it is “no longer possible to use the Roman Ritual and other liturgical books of the ‘ancient rite’ for the celebration of sacraments and sacramentals (e.g. not even the Ritual for Reconciliation of Penitents according to the ancient form).” 

Read the rest:

Another reason not to jab the children: Omicron


The data are overwhelmingly clear: it is time to stop vaccinating healthy young people

I am here in San Juan, Puerto Rico staying at the Caribe Hilton this weekend to share fact-based information concerning the logic, bioethics, and “The Science” of the experimental jabs with Parents, School Officials, and Medical Care providers in response to Territorial Governor-mandated COVID-19 genetic vaccination of children. It seems that leaders of the 16,000+ physicians and medical scientists that form the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists and The Unity Project are needing to travel all over the United States and the world to counter the disinformation being actively promulgated by members of the Trusted News Initiative and various US, UK and European politicians who are acting more like frightened psychotic chickens than thoughtful national and world leaders. In other words, they are not doing their jobs, and need to grow both a spine AND a brain. The most charitable explanation for this behavior that I can come up with is that Fear is indeed the Mind-killer. If we were speaking casually and in person back on my farm in Virginia, I would be a bit more blunt and colorful in my assessment.

Sharing scientific truth and countering the disinformation being pushed by these organizations and Pharma sycophants is more than a full time job. The good news is that more and more information warriors are joining us, and so the hard work is being shouldered by a growing army of truth-tellers that have overcome their fear. Many months ago, Jill and I decided to dedicate our lives to protecting children from this insane propaganda campaign to mandate jabbing children with an unlicensed medical product that causes hospitalized myocarditis in one out of every 2,700 treated boys in order to protect octogenarians from a disease that healthy kids shrug off like a modest cold virus. Odd that it is often octogenarianpoliticians and “health leaders” (Dr. Fauci, I am looking at you) who seem to think that this is a good time to start forcing children to sacrifice their health to protect the old. And I am not going to slow down in pursuing this mission now that we seem to be making some modest headway despite the massive array of forces deployed against us. 

Make no mistake, this is 21st century media warfare, and we are fighting against horizontally integrated corporate-sponsored Global Tyranny. This is likely to be the first skirmish in what will be a long war, and we are outgunned and out capitalized by far. Fortunately, here in good-old USA, we have the example, lessons learned and wisdom of a little guerrilla revolution from a few centuries ago that threw off another form of Global Tyranny driven by the madness of King George. There are many parallels. And much to be remembered and re-learned from the revolutionary citizen-politician leaders of those days. And we also have the truth as our armor and shield. “The Science” is clearly on our side. Jabbing the kids with these genetic Spike vaccines is madness.

The data are clear. Officials have reported110 Omicron cases as of Saturday in the USA. Of the 66 people for whom vaccination status has been reported, 52 were fully vaccinated and many of those had been boosted. What we don’t know is whether or not those people who have already had COVID-19 actually caught Omicron, but it was so mild that they weren’t aware of it or if prior infection conferred complete immunity. What we do know is that 78% of the people in the USA/CDC report who have contracted Omicron were vaccinated. These data also directly contradict the public relations “data” press release from Pfizer that the third jab would protect against Omicron. Clinical data ALWAYS trumps lab test data. This appears to be yet another case illustrating that Fauci/Biden parrot the Big Pharma narrative whenever possible rather than doing the job that we are paying them to do - independently analyze “The Science” and act with integrity and objectivity to protect American citizens rather than American Big Business and Big Investment firms.

There have been NO DEATHS reported anywhere in the world with Omicron, including in the USA. Now there will be, because older people, people with high co-morbidities will catch Omicron and will die. People die from the common cold too. We can expect this - do not be swayed by the fear-porn that is sure to come when these deaths happen.

Hospital rates in areas with a high percent of the Omicron variant are experiencing a drop off in hospitalizations. Due to low vaccination rates in some countries, this strongly implies that vaccination status is irrelevant with Omicron. Omicron is a more mild disease, more similar in symptoms to the common cold. Here you can see the former FDA director, and member of the board of Pfizer writing about this on twitter.

Assuming that Omicron is now the dominant variant in Botswana, lets look at the death rate in that country:

It has literally gone to zero over the past month.

Omicron is 10 times more infectious than the original variant and two times more infectious than Delta. Omicron will become the predominant strain in the USA very shortly. So, whether vaccinated or not, Omicron is more mild and will spread throughout the land. Let me write that again, all evidence shows that Omicron is much more mild and vaccinated or unvaccinated will catch this variant.

Now, let’s talk children. For all the reasons listed above, it is clear that vaccinating children now is a very bad idea. 146 million people in the USA have had SARS-CoV-2 , that is about 45% of the total population. This means 45% of children have had SARS-CoV-2, that is the virus - because children rarely get severe disease from the virus. It is the severe disease that is COVID-19. COVID-19 is the severe disease caused by the virus. Historically, children get infected by the virus. 

Now that Omicron will become dominant very quickly and we know that there is a very good chance that natural infection confers better protection against Omicron and that for everyone this new variant is mild, why would we want to mandate vaccination for our healthy children?

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