Saturday, July 31, 2021

“ … all experiments are permitted, including blessings of homosexual couples (forbidden by the Church), except ‘the experiment of Tradition’, according to the expression of Archbishop LeFebvre … “

 Italian Bishops and Cardinals were the origin and moving force behind Traditionis Custodes (an Interview with Fr. Claude Barthe)

 Fr. Claude Barthe is a seasoned veteran of the pre-Summorum "liturgical wars", now rekindled by Francis in his edict "Traditionis custodes". Living in Paris, Fr. Barthe was also the main chaplain for the Summorum Pontificum pilgrimages that took thousands of Traditional Catholics to pray and attend the Holy Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite in Saint Peter's Basilica during the past decade.

Fr. Barthe knows, therefore, all involved with the decision that led to the papal edict against the Traditional Mass. As he reveals (corroborated by several sources), the Italian bishops, and a couple of Italian cardinals in the Curia, were at the origin and the moving force behind this document.

Read the rest:

Friday, July 30, 2021

UPDATE: GoFundMe page now available to Support our TLM parish as we restore, repair and repaint our church ceiling and interior plaster

Our parish has offered the traditional Latin Mass 
since 1989 under Ecclesia Dei. We have grown into a de facto “personal” parish with traditional Mass offered every day following Summorum Pontificum in 2007.

We are undertaking a large project to restore our church. Our 100-year-old plaster and lathe ceiling was cracking and deteriorating as the keys and lugs through large sections had broken over time. The ceiling was in danger of falling.

We are restoring the ceiling to preserve it and also repairing and painting deteriorated plaster throughout the church interior.

The project will cost $243,000 and we have raised about 10% of the total cost so far.

Please consider supporting our parish, one of only two in the Archdiocese of Washington which offer traditional Mass daily and sacraments in the traditional Latin rite.

You can donate by sending a check made out to Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Church and mailing to us at PO Box 306, Benedict, Maryland 20612.

We have a GoFundMe page at:

You can also use a credit card at our web site. Please note that a percentage of your donation will be applied toward applicable fees. You can do so at this link:

Thank you for your kind consideration and for the generosity of your prayers for the successful completion of the project. We hope to be back in the church for holy Mass to honor Our Lady of Fatima on October 13th. Please join us in praying through the intercession of our patron, Saint Francis de Sales.

Wood straps are fastened to the underside of the plaster and lathing to prepare for applying the compound which will recapture and reattach the plaster to the lathing.

The strapping is removed and holes filled after the compound is applied over the lathing and ceiling plaster in three treatments and then cured.

The next step begins soon to repair interior plaster damaged by earthquake and water penetration resulting from a hurricane-nor’easter combination. The entire interior will be restored to pristine condition and painted.

Thank you,

- Fr Cusick

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Traditionis custodes: “it was the uncontainable success among the people—and in particular among young people—that the Mass of all time found after Benedict XVI’s motu proprio that was the triggering factor for this hatred,”


Traditionis Custodesas a Hermeneutic of Envy

Locked door
Voiced by Amazon Polly

While there have been some notable attempts to help us understand the rationale behind the most recent motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes, the published reflection on the document by Italian Professor Massimo Viglione stands out because it is the only one that recognizes the sin of envy that is driving this latest papal attempt to destroy the Traditional Latin Mass. 

Describing the Latin Mass as “the Holy Mass of all time,” Professor Viglione’s article points to the bitterness that is driving progressive bishops who have been facing declining dioceses and parish closures to try and enlist the pope’s help to stop the exodus of faithful Catholics fleeing their meager offerings in search of a meaningful Mass. Concluding that “it was the uncontainable success among the people—and in particular among young people—that the Mass of all time found after Benedict XVI’s motu proprio that was the triggering factor for this hatred,” Professor Viglione reminds us that we are witnessing “the hermeneutic of Cain’s envy against Abel.”

Read the rest:

My latest: “Traditionis custodes: Opportunity for mercy”


Traditionis Custodes: Opportunity For Mercy

July 29, 2021


As one of the two parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington that offer the Traditional Latin Mass daily, my majority-traditional church family is now in a quite vulnerable condition after the publication of the motu proprio Traditionis custodes (TC).

Following the 2007 publication of Summorum Pontificum I was sent in 2010 as pastor to St. Francis de Sales in Benedict, Md. The parish had already a small Traditional Mass community which had thrived since petitioning and receiving permission for offering the vetus ordo Mass in 1989 under the terms of St. John Paul II’s letter Ecclesia Dei.

I found them to be a happy, charitable, and humble group who were quite content to simply pray in the venerable manner of their forefathers and to gather for conversation, coffee and donuts at the parish hall afterward each Sunday. I came to know them well and quickly befriended them. The numbers at the Sunday Mass continued to grow as we undertook a project to promote the sacred in church decoration and to restore the sanctuary to classic norms.
We then added weekday Mass and now draw souls from a quite large geographical area as any personal parish would do. The archdiocese has for years now very generously offered us delegation for conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional rite. Add to this our requiem Masses, wedding Masses, Baptisms, Confession, and extreme unction in the Traditional rite and it’s plain that we also offer what any FSSP or ICKSP parish does.

The Traditional priestly fraternities have not been invited to take over administration of any churches in our archdiocese, while parishes such as mine offer very well already what they bring to the table.

The new document makes clear that the Traditional rite is not to be offered in parish churches, and that new personal parishes are not to be erected for that purpose. If there was ever a rock and a hard place for parishes such as mine, this is it.

Bishop Paprocki, in implementation of the motu proprio for Springfield, Ill., cited canon 87 in allowing a diocesan parish permission to continue offering the historic Mass. This is a welcome precedent that we hope may provide example for a merciful and generous application in cases like our own.

Read the rest:



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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Archdiocese of Washington disinvites Msgr Burrill from summer ministry at Our Lady of Mercy Parish

A recent issue of the bulletin of the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Potomac, Maryland, reported that Msgr. Burrill would be serving as a “summer presider” at the parish. After reports that he had a hookup app on his phone he resigned from his role at the USCCB. The parish has now rescinded the invitation to offer Masses there, as reported by the ADW Twitter account.

“The concept of ‘modesty’ is experiencing a bit of a golden moment at the Olympics” going on in Tokyo right now…”

The  Norwegian women’s beach handball team was find for wearing shorts rather than the regulation bikini uniform.

“…  beginning in 2006, Norwegian Handball Federation began petitioning to allow women to wear shorts in beach handball. In November, the federation plans to submit a motion to change the rules in an extraordinary congress of the IHF.

In a statement, EHF President Michael Wiederer claimed that the EHF “will do all it can to ensure that a change of athlete uniform regulations can be implemented.”

He asserts that EHF was only following the guidelines put forward by the IHF. However, he failed to say if the fines would be retracted.

The American singer Pink tweeted her support of the Norwegian team on July 24, writing, “The European handball federation SHOULD BE FINED FOR SEXISM. Good on ya, ladies. I’ll be happy to pay your fines for you.”

“The concept of ‘modesty’ is experiencing a bit of a golden moment at the Olympics” going on in Tokyo right now, Bethany Mandel wrote at Deseret News on July 27, noting that “This week the German gymnastics team wore a full-body unitard that has traditionally only been donned by women competing from more religious or conservative countries.”

“These young ladies’ push for more uniform control cuts to the heart of why they’re opting for more modest choices: They want to control how sexualized their bodies are by those who are profiting off of them,” she continued. “Gymnasts are some of the most skilled athletes competing in the Olympics, but more than any other discipline, we have recently learned the high price for the sexualization baked into a sport where young women with bodies that still appear prepubescent are running and jumping in what amounts to little more than underwear.”

Read the entire article:

Fr. Carney requests we pray Holy Face Novena JULY 28 TO AUGUST 6 - FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION

  St. Athanasius relates that the devils, on being asked what verse in the whole Scripture they feared most, they replied, ‘That Psalm which  begins: “Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered.  Let those that hate Him  flee before His Face!’  Then they are compelled to take flight.” 

Benedict XVI distinguishes “between those who hold ‘ecclesiastical offices’ and those who are in ‘communion with the Church spiritually’.”



The import and significance of this interview was exposed and explained in a lengthy print article in today’s edition of Italian newspaper Libero, on p. 12. Link to the article here:

The Holy Father criticizes the leaders of the Church and Church institutions in Germany, faulting them for acting without any inner or spiritual cohesion with the Church, the Gospel or Her teaching through the ages. He urges the Faithful to remain faithful to the spirit of the Church and not to the unfaithful leaders of the Church of today. His position is not far from that of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve, which is why this talk is causing a earthquake here in Rome and throughout Europe.

Pope Benedict XVI is putting his finger on the loss of faith in modern times. And giving sound guidance for the faithful to stop obeying faithless leaders and resist them.

But the Holy Father goes much further. In a succinct German phrase, he distinguishes between those who hold “ecclesiastical offices” and those who are in communion with the Church spiritually. And He tells the faithful to remain in communion with the latter NOT the former.

This entire counsel is exactly that which Andrea Cionci has discerned in Pope Benedict’s Declaratio of February 11, 2013 and his subsequent behavior and authentic statements.

FromRome.Info will try to publish an English translation of Cionci’s article tomorrow.

Editor’s Note: The entire German text of the original publication is not available for FromRome.Info to republish. 

Source: From a post by A.B.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Welcoming guests to the parish

A visit last week with our New York FSSP seminarian friend John.

Thanks to our friends visiting from Montgomery County for Sunday Mass today. Come again soon!


Saturday, July 24, 2021

“Traditionis Custodes does not abrogate the 1962 Missal (otherwise it could not allow it to be said in certain circumstances).“

 From the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales

Canonical guidance on Traditionis Custodes

The Latin Mass Society is pleased to present the fruits of our consultations with a number of Canon lawyers.

It is clear to us that many bishops, priests, and lay Catholics, are finding it difficult to see exactly what the force of the Apostolic Letter might be.

It is our hope that the arguments contained in this Guidance will commend themselves to careful readers from across the spectrum of opinion, and contribute to a calm and reasoned discussion.

Key points from the Guidance:
Traditionis Custodes does not abrogate the 1962 Missal (otherwise it could not allow it to be said in certain circumstances).

It follows that it is not the right of priests to celebrate it that is at issue--this remains intact--but the public exercise of this right, which is a matter of regulation by the local bishop.

The right of priests to celebrate privately, to say the older Office, to celebrate the other sacraments, to use the older Rituale: all these are unrestricted by Traditionis Custodes.

The restrictions mentioned in Article 3, notably on the use of parish churches, only apply in the case of 'authorised' 'groups', such as came into existence in the course of the formal application of Summorum Pontificum, or are served by a 'personal parish'.

Although priests need permission from the bishop to celebrate the 1962 Missal, with this permission, and outside the context of a formalised 'group', he may do so without the restrictions of Art 3: for example, in a parish church.

It would also follow that there need be no difficulty allowing the 1962 Missal to be used for special occasions such as pilgrimages.

The full text of our document may be read here..

Must read: Penetrating analysis of our present situation and the matter of obedience

Dear friends of Duc in altum, Massimo Viglione has written this article after the publication of Traditionis Custodes. It is one of the most complete and lucid analyses that we have read commenting on the papal provision against the Mass of all time. In addition to a comprehensive analysis (in which the liturgical problem is joined to that of the imposition of the New World Order), I would like to draw your attention to his reflection on the question of obedience.


“They will throw you out of the synagogues” (Jn 16:2)
The hermeneutic of Cain’s envy against Abel

There have been many comments, one after the other, in these days following the official declaration of war – made by Francis himself – of the ecclesiastical hierarchy against the Holy Mass of all time. And more than one comment has revealed the not-at-all concealed contempt and the simultaneous absolute clarity of content and form that marks the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, written in a style and formality that is political more than theological or spiritual. It is in effect a declaration of war. It is noteworthy that there is a formal difference and also a difference in tone found in the various documents with which Paul VI, beginning in 1964, announced, planned, and implemented his liturgical reform, which was finally made official with the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum issued on 3 April 1969, by which the ancient Roman Rite was de facto replaced (this is the most appropriate term both from the point of view of intentions as well as facts) with the new vulgar Rite. In the Montinian documents we find, on several occasions, hypocritical but evident pain, regret, and remorse, and paradoxically the beauty and sacredness of the ancient Rite are celebrated.

In short, it is as if Montini had said: “Dear Rite of all time, I am sending you away, but you were so beautiful!”

In contrast, in the Bergoglian document, as many have noted, sarcasm and hatred for the ancient Rite shine through. A hatred such that it cannot be contained.

Naturally, Francis is not the initiator of this war, which was begun by the modernist liturgical movement (or, if you like, with Protestantism), but rather, on the official and operative level, it was Paul VI himself. Bergoglio has only – to use the strong and popular metaphor – “shot madly” in an effort to kill once and for all a mortally wounded thing that in the course of the post-conciliar decades not only did not die but returned to life, dragging along with it, with an exponential crescendo in the last 14 years, an incalculable number of faithful all over the world.

And this is the crux of the whole matter. The progressive and more convinced modernist clergy had to suffer Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio, dragged by the neck, but at the same time they constantly worked against the Mass of all time through hostile resistance by the majority of the world episcopate, which has always openly disobeyed what Summorum Pontificum established beginning right in the years of the Ratzingerian pontificate, and then all the more so after the resignation up until today.

The hostility of the bishops meant that in the end the task of putting the Motu Proprio into action very often fell to the courage of a few priests celebrating it anyway, even without the permission of the bishop (which was specifically not necessary according to the provisions of Summorum Pontificum). Now, those bishops who have been constantly and undauntedly disobedient to the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and one of his Motu Proprios, in the name of obedience to the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and one of his Motu Proprios, will be able not only to continue but even to intensify their censorship, the war that is no longer hidden but is now blatant, as is in fact already happening.

But Francis has not limited himself to “shooting” the immortal victim. He wanted to take a further step, that of a fast and furious – to say nothing of monstrous – “burying alive” of the ancient rite, affirming that the new rite is the Lex Orandi of the Catholic Church. From which it should be deduced that the Mass of all time is no longer the Lex Orandi.

It is well known that Our Friend [Bergoglio] doesn’t have a clue about theology (which is a bit like saying that a doctor doesn’t have a clue about medicine, or that a blacksmith doesn’t know how to use fire and iron). The Lex Orandi of the Church, in fact, is not a “precept” of positive law voted on by a parliament or prescribed by a sovereign, which can always be retracted, changed, replaced, improved, or worsened. The Lex Orandi of the Church, furthermore, is not a specific and determined “thing” in time and space, as much as it is the collective whole of theological and spiritual norms and liturgical and pastoral practices of the entire history of the Church, from evangelical times – and specifically from Pentecost – up to today. Although it obviously lives in the present, it is however rooted in the entire past of the Church. Therefore, we are not talking here about something human – exclusively human – that the latest boss can change at his pleasure. The Lex Orandicomprises all twenty centuries of the history of the Church, and there is no man or group of men in the world who can change this twenty-century-old deposit. There is no pope, council, or episcopate that can change the Gospel, the Depositum Fidei, or the universal Magisterium of the Church. Nor can the Liturgy of all time be changed. And if it is true that the ancient Rite had an essential apostolic core that then harmonically grew over the course of the centuries, with progressive mutations (even up to Pius XII and John XXIII), it is also true that these mutations – at times more appropriate and other times less so, and sometimes perhaps not appropriate at all – have always been however harmonically structured in a continuum of Faith, Sacredness, Tradition, and Beauty.

The Montinian reform broke all this apart, improvisedly inventing a new rite adapted to the needs of the modern world and transforming the sacred Catholic Liturgy from being theocentric to being anthropocentric. From the Holy Sacrifice of the Cross repeated in an unbloody manner through the action of the sacerdos, we transitioned to the assembly of the faithful led by its “presider.” From a salvific and even exorcistic instrument, we passed to a horizontal populist gathering, susceptible to continual autocephalous and relativistic changes and adaptations that are more or less “festive” and whose supposed “value” is based on winning mass consensus, as if it were a political instrument aimed at the audience, an audience however that is progressively completely disappearing. 

It is useless to continue on this path: the very results of this liturgical subversion speak to minds and hearts and cannot lie. What it is important to clarify however is the reason for this transition from Montinian hypocrisy to Bergoglian sincerity.

What has changed? The general climate has changed. It has literally turned upside down. Montini believed that in a few years no one would remember the Mass of all time. Already John Paul II, faced with the evidence that the enemy did not die at all, was constrained – he too dragged by the neck – to grant an “indult” (as if the Sacred Catholic Liturgy of all time needed to be forgiven for something in order to continue to exist) which (no one ever says this) was even more restrictive than this latest Bergoglian document, although devoid of the hatred that characterizes the latter. But above all it was the uncontainable success among the people – and in particular among young people – that the Mass of all time found after Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio that was the triggering factor for this hatred.  

The “new Mass” has lost in the face of history and the evidence of the facts. The churches are empty, ever more empty; the religious orders – even, and perhaps above all, the most ancient and glorious ones – are disappearing; monasteries and convents are deserted, inhabited only by religious who are now very advanced in years, and upon whose death the doors will be shuttered; vocations are reduced to nothing; even the “otto per mille” [Italian church tax] has been cut in half, despite the obsessive cloying and pathetic third-worldesque publicity it receives; priestly vocations are scarce – everywhere we see pastors with three, four, or at times even five parishes to run. The mathematics of the Council and the “new Mass” is the most merciless thing that can exist.

But the failure is above all qualitative, from the theological, spiritual and moral point of view. Even the clergy that exists and resists is in large part openly heretical or in any case tolerant of heresy and error in the exact measure that it is intolerant towards the Tradition, no longer recognizing any objective value in the Magisterium of the Church (except for what pleases it), living instead on theological and dogmatic improvisation, and liturgical and pastoral improvisation as well, all based on doctrinal and moral relativism, accompanied by an immense flood of chatter and empty and inane slogans; nor have we even mentioned the devastating – when it is not monstruous – moral situation of a good part of this clergy.

It’s true, there are the so-called “movements” that save the situation a little. But they save it at the cost, once again, of doctrinal relativism, liturgical relativism (guitars, tambourines, entertainment, “participation”), and moral relativism (the only sin is to go against the dictates of this society: today against the vaccine; everything else is more or less permitted). Are these movements still Catholic? And in what measure and quality? If we were to analyze their fidelity with theological and doctrinal precision, how many would pass the examination?

Lex orandi, lex credenda,” the Church teaches. And in fact, the Lex Orandi of the nineteen centuries prior to Vatican II and the Montinian liturgical reform have produced one type of faith, and the fifty years following it have produced another type of faith – and another type of Catholic. “You will know them by their fruits” (Mt 7:16), the Founder of the Church taught. Exactly. The fruits of the total failure of modernism (or, if you like – for the most attentive and intelligent – the triumph of the true purposes of modernism), the fruits of the Second Vatican Council, the fruits of the post-council. Where did the hermeneutic of continuity shipwreck? It shipwrecked, along with “Mercy,” in the Hermeneutic of Hatred.

The Mass of all time, on the other hand, is the exact antithesis of all this. It is disruptive in its propagation, despite all of the constant hostility and episcopal censorship; it is sanctifying in its perfection; it is engaging precisely because it is the expression of the Eternal and Unchanging, of the Church of all time, of the theology and spirituality of all time, of the liturgy of all time, of the morality of all time. It is loved because it is divine, sacred, and hierarchically ordered, not human, “democratic” or liberal-egalitarian. It is both divine and human together, like its Founder on the day of the Last Supper.

It is loved above all by young people, both the laity who frequent it as well as among those are approaching the priesthood: while the seminaries of the new rite (the Lex Orandi of Bergoglio) are dens of heresy and apostasy (and it is better to be silent about what else…), the seminaries and novitiates of the world of Tradition overflow with vocations, both male and female, in an unstoppable stream. The explanation of this incontrovertible fact is found in the one Lex Orandi of the Catholic Church, which is the one willed by God Himself and from which no rebel may escape.

Here is the root of the hatred. It is the worldwide and multi-generational consensus against the enemy who must die, in the face of the failure of that which was supposed to bring new life and instead is withered and dying, because the lifeblood of Grace is missing.

It is hatred of kneeling girls wearing white veils, hatred of ladies with many children wearing black veils; hatred of men kneeling in prayer and recollection, perhaps with the rosary between their hands; hatred of priests in cassocks who are faithful to the doctrine and spirituality of all time; hatred of families that are large and peaceful despite the difficulties of this society; hatred of fidelity, of seriousness, of the thirst for the sacred.

It is hatred of an entire world, ever more numerous, that has not fallen – or no longer falls – into the humanistic and globalist trap of the “New Pentecost.”

At its root, that mad shooting is nothing other than a new murder of Abel by an envious Cain. And in fact, in the new Rite what is offered to God is “the fruit of the earth and the work of human hands (Cain), while in the Rite of all time what is offered is “hanc immaculatam Ostiam” (the firstborn Lamb of Abel: Gen 4:2-4).

Cain always wins momentarily through violence, but then without fail he suffers the punishment of his hatred and his envy. Abel dies momentarily, but then he lives forever in the sequela Christi.

What will happen now?

This is a more interesting and inevitable question than anyone can believe, and at many levels. Since we cannot know the future, let’s ask ourselves some fundamental questions in the meantime.

Will all the bishops obey?

It seems not. Apart from the great majority of them, who will fall in line quite willingly either because they share their boss’s hatred (almost all of them) or because they are afraid for their personal future, we think that there will be not a few of them who could also oppose the Bergoglian “machine gun,” as already appears to be happening in various cases in the USA and in France (we have little hope for the Italians, who are the most fearful and flattened as always), either because they are not hostile in principle [to the ancient rite] or else out of friendship with the various orders tied to the Mass of all time, or else perhaps – is this a vain hope? – out of a jolt of just pride in response to the humiliation, which could even be called grotesque, that they have received at the hands of this document, wherein first it says that the decision regarding the granting of permission falls to them, but then not only does it restrict every liberty of action, placing conditions on any minimal possibility of choice, but it also falls into the most blatant contradiction, affirming that in every case they must receive the permission of the Holy See!

Will everyone really obey blindly, or will some cracks start to make the system of hatred shake?

And what will happen in the so-called “traditionalist” world?

“We will see some good ones,” to use a popular expression. Without excluding historical twists. There are those who will fall, who will survive, who perhaps will benefit from it (but beware of the poisoned meatballs of the servants of the Father of Lies!). Instead, let us trust in divine Grace, so that the faithful not only remain faithful but also grow.

All this will be confirmed above all by an aspect that up until now no one has highlighted: the true goal of this multi-decade war against the Sacred Catholic Liturgy, which then is the true goal of the creation of the New Rite ex nihilo (better to say improvisedly [a tavolino], in some cave), is the dissolution of the Catholic Liturgy in itself, of every form of the Holy Sacrifice, of doctrine itself, of the Church herself in the great globalist current of the universal religion of the New World Order. Concepts like the Most Holy Trinity, the Cross, original sin, Good and Evil understood in the Christian and traditional sense, the Incarnation, the Resurrection and thus the Redemption, the Marian privileges and the very figure of the Mother of God who is the Immaculate Conception, the Eucharist and the Sacraments, Christian morality with its Ten Commandments and the Doctrine of the Universal Magisterium (defense of life, of the family, of rightly ordered sexuality in all its forms, with all the consequent condemnations of today’s follies) – all of this must disappear into the universal and monist cult of the future.

And, in this perspective, the Mass of all time is the first element that must disappear, since it is the absolute bulwark of all that they want to make disappear: it is the first obstacle to every form of ecumenism. Over time, this will inevitably involve a progressive movement closer to the Sacred Liturgy of all time by the body of the faithful who still linger in attendance at the new Rite, perhaps trying to go to those priests who celebrate it with dignity. Because in the end, sooner or later, even those priests will find themselves at the crossroads of having to choose between obedience to evil or disobedience in order to remain faithful to the Good. The comb of the Revolution, in society as in the Church, does not leave any knots: sooner or later they all fall out, if not here then there. And this will involve the search by the good ones, who are still confused, for Truth and Grace – that is, for the Mass of all time.   

Those who still linger today [at the new rite], so as not to have to deal with these “questions,” following these bishops and parish priests, know that, if they want to remain truly Catholic and truly avail themselves of the Body and Blood of the Redeemer…their days are numbered. Soon, they will have to choose. 

We have now touched on the central problem of this entire situation: how to behave in the face of a hierarchy that hates the True, the Good, the Beautiful, the Tradition, which fights against the one true Lex Orandi in order to impose another one that is pleasing not to God but to the prince of this world and his “controller” servants (in a certain sense, his “bishops”)?

It is the key problem of obedience, over which even in the world of Tradition a dirty game is often played, often incited not by a sincere search for what is best and for the truth but by personal wars, which have today become more acute in the face of the rift caused by health totalitarianism and vaccination.

Obedience – and this is an error that finds its deepest roots even in the pre-conciliar Church, it must be said – is not an end. It is a means of sanctification. Therefore, it is not an absolute value, but rather an instrumental one. It is a positive value, very positive, if it is ordered towards God. But if one obeys Satan, or his servants, or error, or apostasy, then obedience is no longer a good, but rather a deliberate participation in evil.

Exactly like peace. Peace – the divinity of today’s subversion – is not an end, but rather an instrument of the Good and the Just, if it is aimed at creating a good and just society. If it is ordered towards creating or favoring a society that is Satanic, malignant, erroneous, and subversive, then “peace” becomes the instrument of hell. 

We must be “pleasing not to men, but to God, who tests our hearts” (1 Thess 2:4). Exactly! Therefore, whoever obeys men while being aware of facilitating evil and obstructing the Good, whoever they may be – including the ecclesiastical hierarchy, including the pope – in reality becomes an accomplice of evil, of lies, and of error.

Whoever obeys in these conditions disobeys God. “Because no slave is greater than his master” (Mt 10:24). Even Judas was part of the apostolic college. Or else he falls into hypocrisy. As if – just to give an example from academia – a Catholic traditionalist, self-erected as the dispenser and judge of the seriousness of others, would openly criticize the present pontiff for Amoris Laetitiae or this latest document, but then, as regards the submission – even obligatory submission! –  to vaccinism in itself and the acceptance of the use of human cell lines obtained from fetuses that are the victims of voluntary abortion, he would declare, in order to defend himself in the face of just and obvious general indignation, that he is obedient to what the “Sovereign Pontiff” says on this matter.

The conditio sine qua non of all seriousness lies not so much in the “tones” used (also, this is an important aspect but absolutely not primary and above all it remains subjective) but first and foremost in the doctrinal, ideal, and intellectual coherence of the Good and the Truth in their integrity, in every aspect and circumstance. In other words, we must understand whether the one who guides the Church today wishes to be a faithful servant of God or a faithful servant of the prince of this world. In the first hypothesis, obedience is due to him and obedience is the instrument of sanctification. In the second, the consequences have to be drawn out. Clearly, in respect for the norms codified by the Church and as children of the Church and also with the proper education and serenity of tone. But one must always draw out the consequences: the first concern ought to be to always follow and defend the Truth, not the cloying, obsequious, and scrupulous grovelling which is the spoiled fruit of a misunderstood Tridentinism. Neither pope nor hierarchy can be used as a referent of truth in fits and starts according to one’s personal ends.

We are in the most decisive days of human history and also of the history of the Church. All of the authors who have commented in these days invite their readers to prayer and hope. We will obviously do this too, in the full conviction that everything that is happening in these days and, more generally, since February 2020, is the unequivocal sign that the times are drawing near in which God will intervene to save His Mystical Body and humanity, as well as the order that He Himself has given to creation and to human coexistence, in the measure He wishes to give it, in the way and time of His choosing.

Let us pray; let us hope; let us keep vigil, and let us choose to be on the right side. The enemy helps us in the choice: in fact, he is always the same everywhere.

Reprinted by with permission from Duc in altum

ICEL official Monsignor Wadsworth notes difficulties for future public ministry if he no longer is permitted to offer the TLM

“A week ago, on this day, and at this hour, an atomic bomb fell on the Church. I have felt physically unwell for most of the time since then - a visceral reaction to this wound that has been inflicted on us. 

“A priest is never more so than when he stands at the altar and offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and for the past thirty-one years since my ordination that experience for me has been overwhelmingly enlightened by the Church’s ancient liturgical forms. To be told that this is undesirable, or that the provision of this liturgy is a remedial concession for those who are yet to find their way to the true Roman Rite is both crass and cruel.

“In addition to the importance of the liturgical character of my almost sixty years in the Church, my academic and scholarly contribution has majorly been in the realm of the translation of Latin liturgical texts, a task which I would never been able to undertake without the formation, and continual sustainance of the older forms of the liturgy.

“Suddenly, all this is called into question, and I find myself somewhat like a person under a death sentence, awaiting news of when his sentence will be carried out. Both the diocese of my incardination and the diocese of my current residence and work are yet to concede what recent legislation suggests is the necessary permission for what former legislation had established as an indisputed right.

“Please pray for me, and the many like me, whose continuation in the active ministry of the priesthood has now been rendered contingent upon these decisions. We wish to continue to serve the Church we love, nourished and sustained by that liturgy which of its nature must be ever old, ever new.”

- Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth

Monsignor Wadsworth is a priest of the Oratorian  community at Saint Thomas the Apostle Church in Washington and is executive director of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL)

Lawsuit: COVID mask “hides God’s image”

Catholic school in Michigan argues mask mandates hide 'God's image,' violate religious liberty 

A court of appeals in Michigan will hear a case from a Catholic school arguing mask mandates violate religious liberty because they cover "God's image and likeness."

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