Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The art of saying nothing while simultaneously speaking

"I'm not ruling it out. But I'm also not ruling it in."

The end result of radical relativism is the total inability to stand even for oneself, to know and assert even one's own convictions.

Obama at Georgetown...Again!

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Renewing Catholic Higher Education

March 30, 2011

Obama to Deliver Speech at Georgetown Today
President Barack Obama will deliver a speech on energy security at Georgetown University today.  Many Catholics were outraged in 2009 after Obama delivered a speech in Georgetown's Gaston Hall, because the University complied with a White House request and covered over the monogram "IHS," which is an ancient symbol for the name of Jesus Christ. 

Scandals Abounding at Jesuit Universities
This past month we saw incident after incident of Catholic identity abuse on Jesuit campuses.  The more these colleges mislead our youth, the more your Cardinal Newman Society will be there to shine its light into the darkness.  Help us shine that light even brighter!  Click here to make a donation.

Pro-Life Leaders Call on Jesuit Seattle University to Sever Planned Parenthood Ties
A group of 16 national pro-life leaders, led by The Cardinal Newman Society and Students for Life of America, sent a letter to the President of Seattle University calling on him to put an end to the institution's numerous connections to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion rights organizations. The Catholic Church's unequivocal condemnation of abortion renders a Catholic university's association with any pro-abortion rights organization grossly inappropriate. 

No End to 'V-Monologues' in 2011; Gonzaga Dismisses 9-year Ban on Play
The Cardinal Newman Society has identified reports of fourteen Catholic colleges and universities—-ten of them Jesuit—-involved with productions of the vile play The Vagina Monologues in 2011.  An article in Gonzaga's student paper indicated that the University will host the play this year despite 9 years of the play being forbidden on campus. 

Boston College Students Urge Admin to Approve Group that Distributes Condoms
We've been following the story about an unofficial group called "Boston College Students for Sexual Health" for most of this school year.  Last semester, we told how the student paper reported that this group was expanding services on campus to include direction to contraceptive services and free female, in addition to male condoms.  Now the report is in that the student senate passed a resolution urging the College to recognize the "Sexual Health" group. 

Marquette U President Invokes Jesuit Principle to Justify New 'Domestic Partner' Benefits
The president of Marquette, Fr. Robert Wild, S.J., has directed the Department of Human Resources to now include "registered domestic partner" coverage in the Jesuit University's health insurance plans beginning the first of next year.  Fr. Wild said, "If we are truly pastoral in our application of the Jesuit principle of cura personalis, I asked myself if I could reconcile that with denying health benefits to a couple who have legally registered their commitment to each other."  Read more...

Catholic College Appeals Federal Decision That It's Not Religious Enough
Catholic Manhattan College has appealed the January decision by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) which allows adjunct faculty to vote on forming a union.  The NLRB ruled that the College could not prevent the faculty from forming a union on the basis that it is a religious institution.  Right after the NLRB ruling, your CNS published an analysis from a top legal expert advising Catholic college leaders on ways to protect their religious liberty. 

Blogging for Pro-Abortion Rights Site: A Catholic College Professor
An adjunct professor from Catholic, Sisters of Charity-founded College of Mount Saint Vincent is a regular blogger for the radical pro-abortion rights website  In an article for the website, she wrote positively about a Northwestern University professor providing his students with an optional after-class demonstration of a sexual act. 

Planned Parenthood Supporter Susan Sarandon Hosted by Catholic College
Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California, hosted pro-abortion rights actress Susan Sarandon on campus earlier this month.  From Cal Catholic, "Sarandon has been a longtime supporter of Planned Parenthood. She is mentioned in the Planned Parenthood Federation of America's 2007-2008 annual report as one of many Hollywood stars who has lent her name to support the world's largest abortion provider." 

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Franciscan University to Honor Cardinal Burke at Commencement
Franciscan University of Steubenville just announced that Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, will be among those honored at the University's commencement this year.  Cardinal Burke will also celebrate and preach the homily for Franciscan's Baccalaureate mass.  FUS is included in our Newman Guide for its strong Catholic identity.  Read more...

Ave Maria to Host Symposium on 'Erosion of Medical Ethics'
On March 31, Ave Maria School of Law is slated to host the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network for a symposium entitled "The Erosion of Medical Ethics".  Topics discussed at the symposium will include: Catholic Church teaching as it relates to hydration and nutrition; historical prejudice to people with disabilities; health care and its potential effects on special needs patients; and the legal aspects of the Terri Schiavo case.  Read more...

***Read your March 2011
CNS Member Newsletter!

Jesuit University Given $100K to Hold Forum to 'Expand' Catholic Discussion on Homosexuality
Fairfield and Fordham Universities are planning later this year to hold installments of a series that labels the voice of the Catholic Church on gay issues 'a Monologue'.  Now we learn Fairfield University received $100,000 in 2010 to: "[H]old and disseminate information from a series of forums at four academic institutions in order to expand the current discussion on homosexuality within Roman Catholicism to include the diverse opinions of progressive Catholic thought leaders and theologians."  Read more...

'Sex Educator' Gives Lecture at Catholic University of San Diego
F A student paper reported that a theology professor at University of San Diego, a Catholic institution, helped coordinate a campus lecture earlier this month on "sex and healthy life choices" by college speaker and "sex educator" River Huston.  A perusal of the speaker's website revealed  several extremely graphic descriptions of sexual acts, some of which were in a post where she answered student (not from USD) questions following her presentation. 

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

98% of Planned Parenthood's services to pregnant women are abortions

Support Catholic Vote's ad campaign to out Planned Parenthood and their abortion agenda.

Dear Friend of CV, Abby Johnson TV Ad

Boy did we get under their skin.

Within 24 hours of launching our new ad in partnership with the Susan B. Anthony List, officials from Planned Parenthood are up in arms. And now they're complaining to their friends in the media.

Help us raise $10,000 by Wednesday night to keep this ad on the air.

We set a goal. Please chip in something. And if you can give $50, then I will rush you Abby Johnson's new book for FREE!

In the ad, we state that "98 percent of [Planned Parenthood's] services to pregnant women are abortions."

Tait Sye, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood, complained to the liberal Huffington Post that we didn't include all the contraception services that Planned Parenthood provides.

"They're looking at the number of abortions compared to adoption referrals to come up with that number."

He can't refute what we said. And that's because those statistics came right from Planned Parenthood's Annual Report itself.1

According to their own fact sheet, Planned Parenthood helped 7,021 patients with prenatal care and logged only 977 adoption referrals in 2009. Those combined services account for just 2% of their services to pregnant women.

So what accounts for the other 98%? You guessed it: Abortion. Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in 2009 — in fact, Planned Parenthood is America's largest abortion provider.

So for every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performs 340 abortions. They don't care about helping low-income pregnant women unless those low income women want an abortion!

That's why they're running scared over our ad featuring Abby Johnson.

Now is the time to chip in. Can you help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by Wednesday night?

Please help us today by clicking here.

Abby Johnson has a story to tell.

Let's make sure America hears it.


Brian Burch
President, Education Fund

P.S. Our new ad has Planned Parenthood scrambling. Lawmakers will decide within days whether to hold firm on cutting taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Let's get the truth out there! Help us with your gift today by visiting:

If you prefer to mail your contribution, please send it to: Education Fund
P.O. Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690
(312) 201-6559

1. Planned Parenthood Fact Sheet, February 2011.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Germantown: Pro-life Groups Sign Lease on New Office Across from Carhart's Late-term Abortion Clinic

Pro-life Groups Sign Lease on New Office Across from Carhart's Germantown Late-term Abortion Clinic

March 28, 2011

Germantown, MD - Operation Rescue and the Maryland Coalition for Life announce that an office space has been placed under lease directly across the parking lot from LeRoy Carhart's late-term abortion business in Germantown, Maryland.

The office will be used as a place of prayer for pro-life supporters, but will also act as a resource and referral center for vulnerable and needy pregnant women as well as post-abortive women.

The Maryland Coalition for Life will be coordinating efforts with local pregnancy care centers and a nearby physician who has offered to provide free ultrasounds to abortion vulnerable women.

Operation Rescue first discovered that Carhart had been hired last December to do late-term abortions at Germantown Reproductive Health Services. Since then Operation Rescue and has worked behind the scenes to secure the office and provide support for local pro-life groups. Operation Rescue has also worked publicly to help organize and lead protests, and provide training and encouragement to area activists.

"Locating an office like this across from the most notorious late-term abortionist in the country was a high priority for us. We wanted to do more than just ask women not to abort their babies. We wanted to provide them with practical assistance, spiritual guidance, and true friendship so that abortion would no longer be a consideration. This office will do all of that," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

The new pro-life center will not be a place where protests and pickets take place, but will focus on helping women and on prayer. However, hundreds of pro-life supporters will continue to maintain a peaceful First Amendment presence on the public sidewalk outside the business park where the abortion business and the pro-life Center are located.

"This Center is going to have a profound impact on Germantown by offering women a life-affirming alternative directly across the parking lot from Carhart's late-term abortion mill. The churches and the community of Germantown have really come together to make this a reality," said Michael Martelli, Executive Director of Maryland Coalition for Life.

The Maryland Coalition for Life plans to move into the new office on April 2, 2011.

The main webpage for the Center is and photos of the Center are at

Donations are now being accepted to help with the expenses of starting this new and vital pro-life work. The Center's donation page is


About Operation Rescue®

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates. Click here to support Operation Rescue.

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Operation Rescue
Troy Newman
Maryland Coalition for Life
Michael Martelli
Executive Director
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"I have finished the race"

National Marathon

26 March 2011


Place: 1405

Div/Tot: 116/207

Div: M4549

Guntime: 4:10:57

Nettime: 4:05:15

Pace: 9:22

Thanks be to God.

I'm running the National Marathon today

This blogger and a whole passel of other folks are grateful for your prayers and best wishes today as we take off at 7 am start of the National Marathon. Thank you.

More "Born that Way" Indoctrination: the Poison of Oprah and Scholastic Books in our schools

You've perhaps heard the song by Lady Gaga, "Born that Way"? She is part of a broad movement in our society that seeks to convince our young people that they do not have free will to refuse sin and resist temptation with the help of God's grace. She and others like her think that human freedom and happiness lies in pursuing every urge and fantasy.

This lie is based upon a denial of the human dignity give by God in creating every human person in His image and likeness and the grace of redemption won by Jesus Christ for every human being through His Passion, death and Resurrection. The book described below is another element in the societal plunge into self-annihilation and the destruction of our young people and their hope for salvation.

Beware of this book! Oprah is pushing it. This is in opposition of all faiths.

If you have children or grandchildren, work with children at church, or you have neighborhood children whose parents you know, please take note of the information below and pass it along to others. Schools
are distributing this book to children through the SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB. The name of the book is Conversations with God.

James Dobson talked about this book twice on his program. It is devastating. Parents, churches and Christian schools need to be aware of it. Please pass this information on to church/e-mail addresses, parents, grandparents and others who influence our children.

Two particular books are, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale D. Walsch. They sound harmless enough by their titles alone. The books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks, and they make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover or title."

The author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the "voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are NOT Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was 'born that way' because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with brown eyes, \ etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.

Another girl poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?"
His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong."

Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive... There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "'judge not lest ye be judged."

Not only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in some instances quote (in error) the Word of God.

And the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children through (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children.

Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, weakest and YOUNGEST of prey.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Catholic Men of Maryland Masons? To be or not to be ...

The Masons are currently running a recruiting campaign via television and other means and targeting the men of Maryland by opening their lodges in the state to all inquirers on April 2. Can a man be a Mason and a Catholic in good standing? No.

"However, the matter was clarified when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued Quaesitum est, which states: '... the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.' Thus, from a Catholic perspective, there is still a ban on Catholics joining Masonic Lodges."

"The denomination with the longest history of objection to Freemasonry is the Roman Catholic Church. The objections raised by the Roman Catholic Church are based on the allegation that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with Church doctrine.[69] A number of Papal pronouncements have been issued against Freemasonry. The first was Pope Clement XII's In Eminenti, 28 April 1738; the most recent was Pope Leo XIII's Ab Apostolici, 15 October 1890. The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication.[70] The 1917 Code of Canon Law also forbade books friendly to Freemasonry.

"In 1983, the Church issued a new Code of Canon Law. Unlike its predecessor, it did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. It states in part: "A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict." This omission caused both Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted, especially after the perceived liberalisation of Vatican II.[71] For its part, Freemasonry has never objected to Catholics joining their fraternity. Those Grand Lodges in amity with UGLE deny the Church's claims and state that they explicitly adhere to the principle that "Freemasonry is not a religion, nor a substitute for religion."[28]

-- Source: Wikipedia

Honor Roll of Prayer for our Fallen Military

Please offer an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be for the repose of the souls of the following servicemembers who gave their lives:

Master Sgt. Jamal H. Bowers, 41, of Raleigh, N.C., died March 18

Staff Sgt. Mecolus C. McDaniel, 33, of Fort Hood, Texas, died March 19

Cpl. Brandon S. Hocking, 24, of Seattle, Wash., died March 21

Petty Officer 1st Class Vincent A. Filpi III, 41, of Fort Walton Beach, Fla.

May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Thank you.

Your representatives and senators on break at home: Call 'em

Dear Friend of CV,

Can you spare five minutes today? Here's why...

Congress is on recess this week. That means your Representative is home in his or her district taking the pulse of the voters they need to get re-elected.

Next week they will return to Washington D.C. and decide whether to hold firm on cutting taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood -- or whether to give in and compromise.

A 5-minute call to their local office will definitely make a difference. Can you call?

Click here to get your Representative's local phone number

CatholicVote is a proud member of the Expose Planned Parenthood Coalition. This coalition is working together to stop taxpayer funding of abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

Hundreds of thousands of activists have been mobilized by our coalition and today it's our turn.

Today we pledged to ask our members to call the local offices of their member of Congress. It's time for these Representatives to hear from the Catholic vote!

Get your Representative's local phone number here:

Here are some talking points to consider during your call:

1) I am calling today to urge my Representative to cut all taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. This is not negotiable and defunding must be included in ANY budget legislation.

2) During a time of fiscal crisis, everything should be on the table for spending cuts, especially an embattled, scandal-ridden corporation like Planned Parenthood. There must be no sacred cows.

3) With tens of millions of dollars in profit each year, Planned Parenthood does not need or deserve our taxpayers dollars.

4) Recent undercover videos show that Planned Parenthood staff from the top-down were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of children. I cannot be complicit in this activity through my tax dollars.

5) Please stand up for women, girls, unborn children, and taxpayers by defunding Planned Parenthood. This must be a top priority and is non-negotiable.

Of course, not every Member of Congress is pro-life. But you don't have to be 100% pro-life to support this amendment. Our government is out of money. The last place our dollars should be going is to Big Abortion.

Planned Parenthood gets $360 million of our tax money every year. This has got to stop. Let's do our part. Please pick up the phone.

For life,

Brian Burch, President

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Deacon Greg Kandra on the Corapi story

Those who know Father Corapi are many and these many have been rocked by allegations of impropriety on his part by a former employee in a story that broke late last week. Emotions are playing a major role in reactions to the news, with some unreasonably insisting that the accusations must be false. All, I hope, are praying that they are not true.

Meanwhile, finding a dispassionate observer is difficult. I offer a link here to commentary on the story by Greg Kandra, a journalist and Catholic deacon from Brooklyn.

All Things New

Father Who? Why Corapi Matters

What seemed "The Most Important Story in the Catholic Universe" to some is causing nary a ripple in the lives of other Catholics, but in another sense, it concerns the whole Body of Christ.

By Deacon Greg Kandra, March 23, 2011

Since Saturday, the blogosphere has been crackling with the sensational news that Fr. John Corapi—renowned speaker, televangelist, and a "star" at EWTN—has been placed on "administrative leave." Corapi's own website broke the story Friday night with the headline "A Call for Prayer," explaining that a female former employee had accused him of "everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual exploits"—all allegations that the priest says are false.

Well. The news quickly spread from my blog to others, darting through Twitter feeds and Facebook postings and chatrooms, ricocheting from computer screen to laptop like an Angry Bird breaking through bricks. I was stunned at the fevered reaction and at what some commenters had to say about it.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Photo: Deacon Greg Kandra is a Roman Catholic Deacon serving the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, and an award-winning journalist. He blogs at The Deacon's Bench.

DADT Repeal Training: "chaplains will be free to express their views on homosexuality"

Accommodation of same-sex activity in the military is ongoing with training underway in all services and among deployed troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Materials cover such issues as what an officer should do or not do if he sees same-sex kissing in a public place during off-duty hours between military personnel.

The news item in The Washington Times, "Military indoctrinated on gays kissing, behavior", addresses the effect on chaplain exercise of religious freedom:

"The main slide presentations emphasize that chaplains will be free to express their views on homosexuality.

“ 'Free exercise of religious expression, with law and policy, remains unchanged,' says one Army slide."

For more information click here to view the Washington Times article.

Photo: Joint Chief Vice Chairman Gen. James E. Cartwright, right, accompanied by Defense Undersecretary for Personnel and Readiness Clifford Stanley, conduct a media briefing at the Pentagon to discuss the progress of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal implementation effort. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)